Tiger I paint scheme,Help

Hello every one, i have just bought my self a Tamiya 1/35 scale Tiger I , does any body know a web site i can go to to get colour schemes ? or can any one tell me what paints to use /. I am useing the gunze paints. I would like to paint it grey. Your help is very much appreciated. Can any one sugest what gry in the Gunze line of paints to use if i go for the grey tiger, the marking in the Tamiya box are they off realy tanks or just made up?

Thanks Captain

you could try http://www.jagdtiger.de/index2.htm?http://www.jagdtiger.de/GermanTanks/PzIV-01.htm
or http://ipmslondon.tripod.com/armourreferencearticles/index.html dont know if theres any tigers on that one


try them out and ill have a look for some others

there are a few threads on here about the same thing , it was a month or two back, but after a certain year( I think 1943?) they came from the factory as dunkle gelb or a des tan color. tamiya makes a great match for this , it’s xf60, but I also like to use xf59 as well.
happy hunting!

I personally like the Testors Model Masters Acryllic Panzer colors
They have worked pretty well for me