Tiger I late completed

Hi guys, been a while, but I finially finished it, it’s Dragons Tiger I late, OOB. It’s going into a dio later to come…

Any and all comments welcome! Sorry about all the pics…

Looks good Anthony!!

Thanks for sharing!!

hi anthony[:D]-- the build looks real nice-- as you kinda mentioned about the pics, i wish i could see more, and a little more clearly-- but what i can see looks super[tup]-- looks like you have a muzzle brake cover on – interesting…!— treadwell

Anthony, That is one well used Tiger. Good job. Some close-ups please!

Looks good Anthony! The dust on the lower half looks great. One hting though, you went pretty heavy on the drybrushing, next time tone it down a bit.

lookin good man. a little heavy on the dust on the bottom in my view, especially on the tracks and the rims of the wheels. but otherwise, it looks great.

Great job, Anthony! Weathering and all.

My only suggestion is to drybrush the tracks, guidehorns and drive sprocket teeth with steel or metallic grey. No matter how sticky mud or dirt can be such will be brushed off when metal meets metal or any other hard object.

Again, wonderful work and keep it up!

Looks good Anthony. Curious as to the color of your base. To me it looks more red. Sorry if I can’t perceive the real color, but it looks too dark.

I’m sure that once Anthony put the tank into the diorama, we can all make sense for his painting and weathering.

But from the looks of the painting and very dusty weathering on the tracks, the tank maybe place into some desert type arena.


Nice model,congratulation and please biger pics.

Thanks guys, ok, to answer a few questions, first, the base colour of the tiger is Tamiya dark yellow with a over spray of red brown, the dusty effect was created with Tamiya flat earth, the drybrushing is not anything like it looks in the pics, and it did not work out the way I wanted it too [:(] I’ll try and shoot some better pics later on. I agree on the guide horns, I did have them in steel, but with the mulitple oversprays it was covered up, so I’ll go back and fix it. As for the dusting being to heavy, and drybrushing that is only in the pics, for some reason the camera made the dust and drybrushing 3x what it is lol.

Thanks again guys…

This one’s been long in the making. Good to see it done finally. A little heavy on the weathering, but a very nice result. Most of the bases have been covered allready, so you have some good suggestions. It’d be really nice to have some closeup shots. Also, try to shoot in natural daylight, with a window to your back, lighting the model, and use a closeup feature of your digital camera. The pics will come out better.

Way to go Anthony, thanks for sharing…


Looks very well Anthony, congrats on a nice Tiger. Can’t wait to see it in a Dio.



Hi Anthony,

You did a fine job on that big cat. My only comment is the heavy amount of soot on the exhausts. It looks too blackish and unnatural. For a soot mixture try using a 50/50 mix of flat black and flat brown. It looks very natural when airbrushed on. I’ll be looking forward to your diorama. Keep up the good work.


Thanks all!

I’m working on better pics…

Looks great anthony…

How did you do the dusty lower hull/tracks effect? I think it looks convincing


Looks great Anthony. The only thing I can really think of is maybe less dust and more mud. This is going to be a winter Tiger so things would be more muddy all around. Just an observation. Also, try going to walmart, or an arts and crafts store for some poster board. It makes a great background… from what I’ve learned, blue or yellow are great absorbers of flasch and the like, if you have big florescent lights in the basement or elsewhere, use them to your advantage!!!

Thanks, I used Tamiya Flat Earth AB on to it…

Yes, I agree, I will put a background on it for the finial pictures, I am going to add the mud and what not when I have everything on the dio so it is blended. I applied another flat coat and it toned the whitewash down really nice, so you accuatly see the camo! lol, I’ll get some more pics up sooner or later…