I,m going to build a Tamiya 1/35 scale tiger 1 initial production and I want to detail it by putting metal tracks and a aluminum barrel barrel on it.I have never used metal tracks or aluminum barrels before.
What are the best tracks and barrel to use?And what do I need to know before using them?
I am using the ABER all metal barrel and it is fabulous. tediam also used it and he liked it too. As for metal tracks, to the best of my knowledge Fruilmodel is the only metal ones available. Modelkasten makes resin ones
Not resin; just good ol’ injection-molded styrene! [:)]
Thanks J-Hulk. I’ve never used them, so I was taking a guess
In my opinnion the best barrels around are those from Eduard, Aber and Barrel depot.
Tracks, well if you want metal Friulmodelisimo is the way to go, personaly I prefer the plastic tracks from Modelkasten, they are more time consumning and have more parts but they are also a bit more accurate. What really matters is what you prefer to work with plastic or metal, I prefer plastic others prefer metal.
Eduard makes a nice one-piece barrel for the Tamiya ‘Tiger I’ for $9.00 at GreatModels, which is currently in-stock. The item number is #34005. The page at GreatModels says this barrel is for the DML kit, but I’m holding one in my hands right now, and the tag says for Tamiya.
Friulmodel makes a set of white-metal tracks for the ‘Tiger I Early’, #ATL-25. They are currently in-stock at GreatModels for $37.95. You may find them cheaper elsewhere, but you’ll have to do some searching.
Modelkasten makes a set of plastic tracks for the Tiger I for around $29.95 at GreatModels.
As you probably already know, prices for things may vary. You just have to be willing to look for them.
Nooooo problem![:D]
The only reason I even mentioned it is that some folks might shy away from resin tracks.
Speaking of which, Accurate Armour may make resin link-and-length tracks for the Tiger, but I’m not sure.
Curtis, Be careful when you buy your Fruil Tracks. Find a newer set that are wired together. You may need a magnifier to assemble but the end result is much better. The older sets are snapped together and tend to fall appart and are less flexable. A small drill bit may be required to clear the hole for the wire. I had to learn this the hard way. Unknowing to me I picked the wrong set off the shelf and tried to assemble them. What a mess. Had to start over several times. My dealer told me that ounce in a while the older discontinued sets will be mixed with the new. He tries to catch it, But lucky me. Wish I bought a lotto ticket that day. Have fun.[^]
Big,big,big thanks to all ya’ll for your help I,m shure my tiger will look awsome!
JHulk- half the reason I avoided them was I thought they were resin