Think we're stupid!

Was surfin last night and hit channel 4 here in Lexington which is the Discovery channel. It is the story of the Avengers that went down in the Bermuda triangle. I belive they just found them if I am not mistaken. Anyway, they keep flashing from black and white footage of avengers, I don’t know 5 or 6 of them, painted in a tricolor scheme it appears to color footage of the same number of corsairs. What were they thinking when they put this together? Do they not know that 98% of men in this country build planes and know the difference between an avenger and a corsair? I was insulted and shame on them.

was watching a show abot the Bermuda Triangle last night and saw the same thing. I was also disappointed in their research, or lack thereof. They also played the pick and choose method of presenting evidence.

Regrettably, yes, they do think we’re stupid.
And you know what? Many people who watched that show wouldn’t know the difference between fecal matter and clay. Have you watched commercial television lately? Do the advertisements seem patronising and REALLY stupid? That’s because they aim for the lowest common denominator, and it works for them because many people either don’t know, don’t care, or are too dumb to know the difference.
Did you know that thousands of letters are posted each year to the major networks, sent to the characters of the daytime TV soap operas? Not to the actors who play them, but to the characters.
Isn’t that scary?

Unfortunately, our top leaders are playing the same game.

You all have touched upon a subject that always bugged me to no end! On one of the Documentary stations a couple weeks ago, they had a story about finding a P-51 that went missing somewhere around San Francisco Bay during WWII, while being ferried by one of the WASP pilots. As they were recounting her supposed course of flight, they were showing file footages of bare aluminum (factory fresh) P-40N’s in flight!

Not only that, but there’s another nasty Hollywood habit that always insulted my intelligence: How they substitute the real sound of an aircraft (especially helicopters) with a recognizable helicopter sound!!! For example, in the movie “What Waits Below”, a UH-1H approaches the field where the actors are discussing an upcoming spelunking expidition, and as it is shown landing, I’ll be dad-gummed if it didn’t sound like a Bell 47!?!???!!!??? I don’t see how anyone could watch that scene without laughing at the tender little rotor pops as the Huey flared to land!

Reminds me of the infamous “Falling Aircraft” whine that accompany’s any flying machine that runs out of gas (the SECOND it runs out of gas), or is shot down in these wonderous productions!


Yeah, that’s true.
Ever heard the sound of a seriously heavy impact between two automobiles? It’s absolutely nothing like the sounds on tv or movies.
Again, I can only say that the majority of what we see and hear (and are told) is aimed at the lowest common denominator. Politicians are a case in point.
The freaky thing is - WE were the ones who elected them…makes you wanna cry…

Yep, except it makes me want to do a major “Kit Bash” on their stupid lying heads! [:(!]

“Wonder how well Super Glue adhere’s to Weasel lips?”

Another good one to listen for is the report of a firearm being shot. Many times…if you do shoot a lot…you can tell that it has been added in later. Also, shooting in an enclosed area is a big one for me to pick on. Hearing is not affected by the report of the firearm going off in the enclosed area.The movie “The Recuit” probably showed better than any movie a real human reaction when they did have the characters react to the sound of the pistol going off…and not that there was just a gunshot. Ah, nothing like the ringing of the ears from that first shot from a high caliber weapon…that is why you always wear some ear protection.



Although I’m a BIG Star Wars fan, I’ve always been rather annoyed at the noises the Star Wars spaceships do while cruising, dogfigthing… At least they got it right in ‘2001 Space Odyssey’…! But those like that are few and far between…

If you don’t like bad news, don’t read beyond this point.

Yes, they think we’re stupid, and with good reason. When IQ tests were developed, they used a bell curve to determine what was “normal” and set the scores of 100 to 120 around that peak.

About 10 years ago they checked the current results and found the peak of the bell curve was right on the 88 mark on the original scale. A more recent check showed the average had dropped another 4 points. 79 is classified as the high end of “mildly retarded” if I’m not mistaken.

There’s your “lowest common denominator.”

That is somewhat frightening to me. Egads.


If you watch the opening of “Close Encounters” where they find Flight 19 in the desert. you’ll see one of those Avengers is a Hellcat. They just used it to fill out the quantity of planes they had, and it was only shown head-on. But still.

Last week NBC in the NY area had a special commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Wright Bros. They did a bit on Republic aviation, and talked about the P-47 - and put up a picture of a Seversky P-35! As the son of a Jug jockey, I was a bit pissed. At least they then showed Chuck Scarborough standing in front of a REAL P-47N at the Cradle of Aviation museum (and it was in my Dad’s squadron markings!).

There are probably more examples of these mistakes than we can possibly name here. I can remember them going all the way back to a Hogan’s Heroes episode where somebody took off in a B-25, cruised in an Fw-200, and landed in a B-17.

In TV Land all aircraft fall into one of four catagories - one prop, two props, four props, and jets. Even the number of wings doesn’t count. Ever watch “Flying Tigers”?

TEISE - The Dauntlesses are from John Ford’s December 7th “mocumentary.” Has anyone seen this obvious Hollywood hokum ? It was billed as a documentary, and the only actual footage in it is the familiar ones shown today (Arizona explosion, sunken Oklahoma, etc.) “Death” scenes overacted more than the worst stage hams. At least today, those of us who choose to learn about history can see through the shameless manipulation. I feel that if one element of history in a documentary is falsified, it renders the entire piece as suspect. Be glad that we are fortunate enough to know the reality. So many uninformed people “out there” swallow whole whatever they are fed. Kind of a sad statement about the power of the media.

I thought it was great when President Bush flew to the USS Abraham Lincoln on an S-3 Viking ASW plane and everyone on TV kept referring to the hoover as a “fighter jet”!

Fellas the worst part of all this is “you don’t know, what you don’t know.” Sure it bugs us when a movie/TV show/documetary uses the wrong A/C, the wrong helicopter sound, whatever it may be. But it only bugs us because we know better. I am sure there are shows about lawyers that drive lawyers crazy but we think are great, one of my best friends is a firefighter and watching a show with him about firefighters is truly an education. But the truth is, if he hadn’t told me it was wrong I would have just thought how cool it looked and never known the guys on tv were using the wrong type of hose or ladder. The same as most people think when they see a show about Avengers but there are Corsairs on the screen.

Sure if there is a picture of George Washington on TV I would expect the folks watching to know who he is, but to most Americans the difference between Avengers and Corsairs is simply trivia. That is how they can get away with putting stuff like that on TV.

Blasting Star Wars! Blasphamy! [:D]

Of course, Star Wars is just for fun- the movie would be petty dull without the sounds. And more or less, the other movies are the same. Sit back, chow some popcorn and veg out.

Now when it comes to documentories, or movies that document history, I too get a little anal when things are innacurate. Not just with wrong planes and such but downright bad physics sometimes that a high school education could prove wrong.

Hollywool ah --_ Hollywood is out to make money and entertain the public. They really don’t care about accuracy. In the movie “Top Gun”, there was supposed to be advisors from the Navy on the set to offer technical advice. If they were there, they must have been off looking at the women instead. One comment made in the movie was the A-4 was faster and more maneuverable than the F-14. Sure it is. Another comical part is when Maverick pushes the throttle forward to slow the aircraft and slams it back to speed up. The noise the throttle makes is like nothing I have ever heard.

Oh, and where can I find one of those thousand shot weapons that only run out of ammo at the worst time. Our hero has over five thousand bullets from semi auto and full auto fired at him and none hits him. I could do better blindfolded. [:p]

Walker, Texas Ninja Ranger, is the only person I know of who will put down his weapon se he can fight some one with his feet.[8D]

Yes, it is all Hollywool Hollywood [8D][8D][8D][8D]

I dont know if yall noticed…probably have if yall watched some old WWII shows in black and white and even some in color…but like a few nights ago i watched “Gallant Men” cause it came on after one of my fav. shows…“Combat” on Wed. nights…anyways…they were at their lines and a group of german planes came and attacked…and when it showed it at a distance one looked like a focke wolfe and the others ME-109s…well when it showed a closer shot it was a P-47 and a P-51D and a P-51B!!! [:0] They were painted german like colors and had the black iron cross on the side…i just had to laugh[:D]
Cause some shows do have the actuall planes theyre representing. Its kinda sad b/c if someone who knows nothing about WWII A/C and saw a P-51D being a german plane then if he saw another one as the American a/c it is…they would be very confused…but i am aware that some American a/c were captured…like a P-38 I saw in a pic from the war.