Hi all
On the back of my models of German tanks there is always a round thing that is attached externally, and it is always near the engine on the rear-top of the tank (I attached a photo - a bit blurry, but you can see it in the center of the photo). What exactly is this thing? My guess would be that it is a fire extinguisher, but I don’t know for sure. Is there a color that these should be painted? I have just always left them the same color that I have painted the rest of the tank.
Ehmm… According to the link of your piccy its on your C-drive… I can only guess, but maybe a raised airfilter?
So, you can’t see the photo? Hmmm…I can see it, but that’s because it’s on my C drive…how do I upload the photo?
If your tank is a Tiger, then it would be the air filters. not all air filters and vents are round, most were flat. Fire extinguishers were not that common on the outside of vehicles. Bullets tend to make them rupture.
Find a image hosting sight and upload it to there, then paste the URL for the picture inbetween the image tags.
If it is a small, cylindrical canister, then yes, it is a fire extinguisher.
I know enough to know what the air filters are, and yes, it is small and cylindrical - just one attached to the rear. My tigers both have them, and so do my StuG’s and also my Sdkfz251 has one inside by the rear doors. Fire extinguisher then…interesting…
maybe a ventelation system of some kind.
If it’s what I think it is, it looks to be a small can for compressed air, possible to clean out the vents? Just my thoughts. Honestly, never really thought about it before.
It just hit me - air starter, seriously. I heard one on a website and it sounded pretty neat. It was used for emergencys when the batteries were dead.
it could be external hydraulic res.?
If you notice, on Panthers, the same little cylindrical object is on the front right side on the spare tool holder.
Could it be a fire extinguisher system for the engine compartment? Although the compressed air starter claymore68 mentioned sounds plausible…

Yah, that’s a fire extinguisher. I think it should be painted red, but the first time the crew painted the vehicle in the field, it would probably get painted the same color as the tank. So, either the same color a as the tank, or red….
It is a fire extinguisher, I have never seen them painted red on German AFVs though.
Okay, here is the final determination…lol
According to the Osprey series “Tiger I Heavy Tank 1942-45” book, It IS a fire extinguisher and it’s NOT painted red…lol
Hope this helps…:o)
Ok, here goes…. The following list of links is from a different forum. I checked my other regular forum, and I didn’t find anything about this topic. Check these threads out and decide for yourselves.
In conclusion: paint the things whatever color you want to!![;)]
Wow, you guys mean I was actually right!?!? LOL!
I have seen a Tiger in Normandy (the only one surviving), at Vimoutiers and took loads of pics of it. Unfortunately most of the fittings are missing on the hull and turret, such as the exhausts, the fire extinguisher etc. etc. So I wasn’t at all sure. And I am not an expert on Axis armor either. I had seen it before in photographs, but since it wasn’t painted red, like Shermanfreak and Panther18 mentioned, I was never sure… Thanks for clearing this up though. We can all sleep now… LOL