Thin Paint?

Ahh I need help. OK I was trying to put the first coat of aluminum on my assembled p-51. I am brushing it on since this is my first model and i dont know if I want an airbrush yet. anyway, after I got some paint on the brush and began it was very thin. I continued to put on this very thin first coat but ended up stopping after the I finished the left wing. It is dried now and it almost looks like a primer on there. Im guessing this is because the color pigments were not mixed or something, eventhough i mixed them for a good 1 1/2 minutes. Could this extremely thin paint be because of the broad brush I am using? Please help and/or give me some suggestions for fixing this paint. thanks

Gus, you don’t mention what kind of paint you were using. Is it flat or gloss, acrylic or enamel? You’ll most likely need another coat or two, and then, after it’s cured completely (the curing time will depend on the type of paint), you can buff it, polish it and give it a clear coat, the type of which will depend largely upon the type of finish you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a bright, shiny finish, you can use a polishing kit and a gloss clear top coat (sprayed, not brushed).
For a killer aluminum finish, you might try bare metal foil, available on-line and at most good model stores.


One other option. You can get Testors Metalizer aluminum in a spray can. Prime and spray the plane parts, then buff after it cures for a shiny finish, and apply your top coat.


I am using testor enamels for now. I think I am going to apply a gloss finish seeing as I already have some Future. Thanks for the help glheald