Now, that said,I wonder why they couldn’t come up with a better way to do life-boats. No, it’s not the size, it’s the shape of them. You basically wind up with a triangular cross-section.This actually doesn’t look right .To Me anyway.
if you glue them up carefully even, shaping them can be a disaster. We know all life-boats have rounded sides from the Keel to the Gunnels. This is almost impossible to create even with the tips I’ve suggested for shaping paper.
Now, I am trying something. I am steaming them around a Medium or small( Depending on the scale) X-Acto knife handle .Then Pinching the ends to glue. I will find out tonight how they worked.
What about embossing them with a spoon - rubbing them on the interior side - on a pad of paper? I’ve not tried this myself but have read this on several paper model “how-to” websites. Some even suggest warming the spoon first (don’t use the wife’s good silver, however).
And another idea in the “didn’t try it myself” category - how about laminating them? I mean to glue the shell from two similar pieces of paper with glue between them. When something like this dries, it usually holds shape quite well. And one up on that - make a master out of wood, a little smaller than the boat itself, then shape the interior part on that, and then glue the out side on to of the interior and let dry on the master, remove when the glue has dried - of course the interior can’t be allowed to glue itself to the master…
Hope it helps - good luck with your paper ships and have a nice day
To answer both you and Pawel. I finally got some results. This is what I did. I cut at the Rudder on the boat’s centerline just a teensy bit deeper than you’re supposed to oughta. Then I did the same at the Bow. I then glued them ( the ends ) together and let sit overnight.
Yesterday about dinner time or just after I removed the clamps and set about shaping them gently with a fingernail. Well, after spritzing them lightly with water and gently drawing my fingernail around the Bow and Stern edges and the interior of the boat bottom, lengthwise, it now looks like a Bona Fide Lifeboat.
As per both suggestions I have done both and decided this. I have the plastic and at least three of the right kind of boat in the right size. I will get out my Mattel Vac-U-Form and make up a few bunches. This way I can also detail the inside of one, say undergoing an inspection by the captain?
I forgot about the Vac-U-From till my Landlady suggested it! Just in case you find yourself in the same quandary, the Life-Boats from the Shell Welder are the same size. I knew that old kit would be worth something!
I got the boats Vac-U-Formed, Painted and with strongbacks in them. They fit perfect. Now to find one I can use as a smaller mold on both ship’s smaller boats.