The right markings for an M-10

Hey all,

I’m working on Academy’s 1/35 M-10 gun motor carrage, plus an Eduard photo etch set. I have a good reference picture of a 3rd Armored Division, 703 Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company A vehicle. This vehicle has the earlier options which I would like to model (5 spoke roadwheels, early style drive sprokets, mid production turret counterweights, etc.)

I was just checking out some Tamiya stuff, and lowe and behold there is a 1/48 scale M-10 with the proper markings. For the very vehicle I want to build.

My question is, how do I do get the proper markings in 1/35th. I’ve looked through greatmodels and squadron, but I couldn’t find anything.

This particular unit, the 3rd Armored Division, 703 TD Battalion, Company A destroyed 10 Panthers of the Lehr Division on July 11, 1944 in St. Jean de Daye, France.

Thanks all,


Did you also search from archers fine transfers? They might have the right stuff.

If not, you could try testors decal making system. Its a computer program that lets you create the markings you want and then print them out. I’ve got it but haven’t had a chance to use it yet. I believe they are cheap, around 10$ I think.

Thanks Rebel,

I did look at archer fine transfers, but the A’s in their sets didn’t look wide enough and the 2’s didn’t look like blocky stencils. However, that testors computer program sounds pretty cool. I don’t know if it would have the right fonts, but for ten bucks… I’ll find a use for it sometime. Microsoft word doesn’t work on this new computer. I haven’t registered all the software yet.
