The Lonely Backwater

I tried something new here, placing the Tamiya Aichi M6A1 in a tropical setting. I tried to get an old feeling to the pic. The plane is mine, but I’ve got to admit that I’ve never been to a tropical island, the background came with the computer. Should I try more B&W, or are the color shots more interesting ?

Try whatever you enjoy, and let us see the results!

Very convincing in B&W… Looks like it’s right out of a book!

Real nice.
would have been kind of fun to have a pilot sittin’ on the wing fishing

I actually thought of placing myself on the wing and saying that I would build a 1:1 replica of a Seiran to Get off the island ! ! ! ( my post of “If you could only build one kit”) Ha Ha Ha !

Wow, looks like you have two awesome talents. Very interesting picture. Ever think about a yellowed old photo album style version ?

Thanks, Woody. I don’t know if I’d call it so much talent as experience. Experience making boneheaded mistakes has taught me more than If I had done things correctly. When I do things “right,” I never learn anything. When I do things "wrong, " I learn a lot. Thanks for the compliment. I’ll try an aged picture sometime. This one was intended to be a “period” photo as it was when it was new. I guess we’re all accustomed to seeing something from the past being “aged.” (As Curly [3 Stooges} would say : "I resemble that remark !) Thanks, Pix.