This is a bit off-topic, but what the hey…
A fella on another forum posted a shot of a newly restored P-51 that just begged to be photochopped…
Here’s the original…
Photo by Vlado
And the chop… I call this ‘The Duel’…
Fade to Black…
This is a bit off-topic, but what the hey…
A fella on another forum posted a shot of a newly restored P-51 that just begged to be photochopped…
Here’s the original…
Photo by Vlado
And the chop… I call this ‘The Duel’…
Fade to Black…
Not off topic at all…very neat Steve. I admire the artistic talent a lot of you have out there, especially with computers and technology. Thanks for sharing.
[#ditto] Nice job! [tup]
Hey Steve-O,
Nicely done my friend… I really like the over all setting… At first glance I thought the 109 was a Spit… LOL
Flaps up,
Rangers Lead The Way
Nice job, Steve. Another form of modeling, in my mind.
Very nice! I like how the angle of the lighting matches; great job.
Thanks fellas, glad you like. This was alotta fun to do…
Mike! You’re back online… and I just sent your message to ‘Drew’ too… LOL
Fade to Black…
Very realistic, with one exception: the clouds formations.
I’m not a pilot, but on all the airline flights I’ve been on, I’ve never seen those kind of scattered puff-ball cumulous clouds hanging around at contrail altitude (or just below it, as your B17s are less than 1,000 feet higher in altitude). I think those type of clouds tend to sit around 10,000 feet, while the bigger ones hang out on top. Contrails start at around 21,000ft I think.
Maybe a real pilot can correct me if I’m mistaken.
Dude, I just did it for fun…
But if I ever decide to redo this and make it 1000% accurate, I’ll get the weather dope from a friend of mine who is a retired USAF weatherman… [;)]
Fade to Black…
Yo Steve-O,
Yes tis back on line… And boy am I glad to be back… [(-D][(-D] O for those clouds, are you sure the weather was clear on that particular ordeal!!![:P][;)]
Once again, sweet job…!!
Flaps up,
Rangers Lead The Way
Cool…I like it…and the clouds. [#toast]
Not sure I know what a real pilot is, but I have spent a lot of time fiddling around in the air at low to the flight levels, and most cumulus is in the 1,000 to 15,000 foot range, on convective days it can get higher, as in a line of thunderstorms into the 30’s and 40’s. If you imagine the scene was photo’d with a long telephoto with the foreshortening effect from that it is not totally out of hand. Too appreciate art and composition, we gotta give a little lattitude.
Beautiful work on the photo combination. I just wish that I could get photoshop to work like that for me.
Darwin, O.F. [alien]
Sorry if I came across as begin critical. Far from…
I was just trying to be constructive for any other future images that you might create. You nailed everything else (scene composition, lighting, etc), so I just wanted to toss out another dimension that you may or may not have considered. Regards.
Thank you Darwin…
No need to apologize dude… I took no offense at all, and can certainly appreciate your comments. I myself would take such things into consideration if I were doing a ‘serious’ piece for print or whatever… much as a traditional artist would research the actual prevailing weather conditions during a particular incident that they were illustrating.
But I am far from such a venture… I’ve only been doing this for a few years and still view it purely as a hobby…
If anyone is interested in learning a simple method for creating a basic composite image with Photoshop, I threw a quickie composite image tutorial together sometime ago for a couple folks on another forum. I’ve transferred it to a web-page… although I really should rework it, because it’s rather poorly done. ('Twas hashed out at around 3AM one morning during a bout with insomnia.) Nevertheless, it should give a fair idea of how I do basic photochopping.
Quick and Dirty Composite Image Tutorial
There are often several ways to do the same thing in Photoshop… the methods/techniques described in that tutorial are those which work for me. They may not work so swell for you… so if you’re truly looking to learn how to use this program to even half of its full potential, I’d recommend reading as much as possible, and messing around with it as much as possible… practice and experience are the name of the game…
Fade to Black…
Hey Steve-O that’s a really cool picture!
On a side note, you’ve posted some amazing photos in the past and I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m building a P-47 D and wanted to do it in the winter camo scheme shown on Major Donovan Smith’s aircraft. The drawing shown below is from teh Finescale Modeler publication American Fighters Over Europe, page 31.
Would you happen to have any photos of this aircraft in you huge collection of WWII pictures? I’ve tried searching and haven’t come up with anything in winter camo, just this.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
Here you go Steve…
From: Zemke’s Wolfpack - The 56th Fighter Group in World War II by William N. Hess
From: Aces & Wingmen II Vol.2 by Bill Hess
From: Aces & Wingmen II Vol.2 by Bill Hess
Fade to Black…
Way kewl!
Steve, my friend, you are amazing! You always seem to have the right pics for every request! Nice PhotoShop tour de force, too!
Brian [C):-)]
Thank you for the pics! I’ll have to see if I can find copies of those reference books. It’s hard to tell, but it doesn’t look like the tops of the wings are done in white. Very unusual markings.
I’m planning on getting the wings on the model tonight and will post some in progress pics. Thank you again for your help.