Rules: (due to a massive amount of changes, the deadline has been moved to a later date. Those who finish by December 1st and submit photos (2-3) will get a bonus number of points.)
Models must not be started prior to May 15th, 2006, and must be completed by March 1st, 2007.
Any and all aftermarket details, scratchbuilt items, and such are allowable.
Any scale, any type of torpedo boat is allowed, ie: PT’s, MTB’s, Schnellboots, etc.
Garth has the final word on placement, no quibbling !
You must have fun. We are trying to bring more modelers into the wonderful world of building these little mosquito boats, so make your best pitch, and post as much as you can.
Dioramas are allowed. Any ship with more than two figures is considered a diorama.
Final pics. We encourage you to have a “build thread” for your model (s) in the ship section, (don’t post them here) and hope to see a lot of work-in-progress pics. The final judging will be from 2 (two) pics not more than 900 pixels x 1200 pixels each, so make sure you take your time to get the best shots. Final pics will be posted here on the final day, feel free to send me pics and I will resize them as necessary, or post them in the thread marked “Final Pics” in December.
Good luck, and happy styrene/wood bashing!
Yes, there will be prizes, although they will be announced at a later date. I should have a gb logo up for this tomorrow a.m. that you can copy and paste. tick, tock…almost time !
Hello guys, I’m just finishing building my own S-Boat for another GB, so I won’t have the pleasure to join this one; but your idea is great! I’ll look for your posts with great interest, and hope to see some pix soon. If you have any query about the Revell S-100 type, feel free to post it in this GB and I’ll see if I can give you some advice (if Garth is unable to, which I doubt ;-)). Regards & good luck, Chris
You could always pick up a revell 109 and jump in too ! I’m sure there will be a ton of questions from the crowd as time goes by, so be sure to check in.
Almost done with the badge…waiting on some ink to dry.
I would like to be counted in (just so long as there is no horrendous forfit if I don’t finish the project within time!).
I’ve not built a model for a few years (and it must have been 25 years since I last built a boat/ship) but this a good excuse to get on with one. I’ve not decided what to build yet except that it will be WW2, Royal Navy, 1/72 scale.
All right then. I have a 1/72 scale Tamiya Perkasa that I have had on the shelf for a number of years. I was not going to build it for a while but for this I guess I will move it up the queue. It is is a little more modern than some of the others being suggested but it ought to fit in well enough. Count me in.
I was thinking of something much more ambitious in view of the fact that practically all the information one could ever wish for is in Mr Ross and Mr Lambert’s books.
My options the easiest first:
Airfix Vosper;
Revell Vosper;
Converstion of the Airfix Rescue Launch to Motor Gun Boat; and
The heart says scratchbuild but the head says Airfix Vosper: I need to think this through over the weekend.
Hmmmm… I am really busy, but I must join this GB or I’ll never build my Revell PT 117 model.
I start to look for some aftermarket parts, and I already ask a question : the boxart shows the model in green uppersurface/blue-grey below waterline tones, though the instructions ask to paint the model in grey uppersurface / red below waterline. What is the good painting scheme?
I’m planning the PT-109 at the time of her loss[:D] But, the WEM sets can be used for the other PT Boats of the Elco 80’ footers. (WEM set PE 7205: 1/72 PT-109 for the Revell kit) The WEM ser PE 7216: 1/72 37mm US Army Anti-tank gun (is white metal with Photo-etched brass parts) I’ll be painting it in Tropical Green (US-29) overall & the lower hull Norfolk 65A antifouling red (US-14) which I also ordered from