Hi guys!
After looking over some details on the kit…I noticed that the 1/24 Monogram kit has MANY features that make it more of a ‘C’ than ‘B’
The engine ‘mesh wire air vents’ are the larger types.
The Rear boom has a nav light on both sides and there some panel details in that same area that are the ‘C’ style.
There are two frame supports under the body and one above the cabin 'like the ‘C’.
The pilot tube is above and not double on the nose like the ‘B’
The only things that are B style is the boom tail vertical fin and rear synchronized elivators.
IDEA?..Mabe Monogram used a State side helo in the works of refit?
That’s why I’m going to manipulate mine into an obvious “C” model, adding the big engine screen and extended aft pylon.
Going to make it after the “Hog” from the 1/9th, who flew guns for the Go-Go’s when “Birth Control” was shot down, which had the rocket tubes painted as Budweiser beer cans.
Know a few pre-pilots and crew from the 1/9th, and their tales will make chills run up your spine!
So Frank…Do you think that Monogram got thier info from a mid (re-fit) project.?
Or more likely…
They may have just had a bunch of photos and drawings to work from and probably did not keep track of what was what.
I found some very fine nylon material to use for the bench!..it cuts real easy with a hot number 11 blade that melts the edges as it cuts so it will not fray! it’s a tan color but after going over it with a red perm marker it LOOKS GREAT!!..AND! I have a small box full of photo etch stuff and I found a bunch of straps that will work good for the straps that hold the top bench material to the bar.[:D]
It should be illegle to have this much fun!
I have seen photos of that Hog your talking about…I like that one…I also like the slicks that had the Wasp or Hornets on thier noses!
I think it was the latter, because I honestly can’t invision the company researchers being TOO type specific! To them, it’s; “A Huey’s a Huey’s a Huey, and the kids that build models won’t know the difference anyhow.”
The Bench Seat material sounds like it will be just the thing… are you going to make the “seat back” from the same material?
The transition period between “B” & “C” model Huey’s seemed to be a vauge one, particularly in physical appearance; Some of them, which otherwise appear to be “B” Models, have the “Pitot Tube” mounted atop the cabin… some “C” Models have the small (B Model) engine intakes… I think the model builder should pick out a particular example and call it whatever the real thing was called… at least they’ll have photographic/description validation of their build’s aithenticity.
I stopped building “Generic” models a long time ago.
BTW: Guess what I’m currently working on? A 1971 Chevy Monte Carlo, fixing it up like Bobby Allison’s “Coke Machine”.

Been waiting 32 years for an accurate set of decals for that car, finally located some, so it’s getting 110% of my attention at the moment. [8D] (sunglasses protect identity of rotorhead mentioning race cars in this room) hehehe
“Gentlemen, start your APU’s!”
Hooker make sure we some pics of that Rod…K?
“Son your gonna drive me to smoken and drinking if you don’t stop driving that HOT-ROD-LINCOLN!!”
Yes the lower and upper parts of the TROOP SEAT will be the same material…it’s looking great so far! The hot knife is working very well indeed…I was even able to cut out the holes for the safety belts to come through in the center areas.
Now I’m working on the alumimun bar supports for the bench.
I changed my mind on the soundproofing…I dremeled & sanded down the raised seat, rod and hook details on the kit part and I’m placing the new parts over the where the raised stuff was…Where the rod and straps were …I cleanned up and re-definned and sanded the SP pattern.
Without the soundproofing on huey’s…is the kits roof FRAME WORK correct…and is that what you would see without the SP in place?
pics soon.
Don’t know, Troy,
I don’t reckon I ever saw an operational B or C model without the soundproofing on the cabin ceiling, so I couldn’t tell you.
It surprises me some of these X & Current Huey CE’s, FE’s, and Tech Reps don’t speak up, for they should know the bird like the back of their hands!
Interested in seeing pictures of your progress, and will post some of mine when… well, will post some when I come back in from working on it tonight.
“Press out tab and cement in place.” … Airfix Instruction Sheet.
I will try to get some pics by tomorrow…I’m almost done with all the bech workings and I’m very pleased with the results!..that means the next step will be the bulkheads that are right behind the pilots and co-pilots…not sure what they are called…they house some lightning holes, first aid kit and at the bottom they have the two heater vents.
Seeya’all tomorrow!
If you can give me two weeks, I’ll get out to 957 and get some interior shots of her with the soundproofing removed. Been meaning to pull all of that crap out and clean the interior anyhow. Now granted, she’s an H model, but it should give you SOME idea of what to look for.
It’s cool Cobra…I found some info in my Huey book that shows the soundproofing mounting to what looks like the same frame work thats in the kit.