My brother-in-Law flies Cessnas and has been bugging me to do a version of his plane.
Your posts, pictures and detailed explinations on how you did it, have convinced me what his Christmas present will be this year…unless I run out of time then his Birthday next year.
Either way I’m gonna get it done to shut him up.[:D]
This was the kick in the pants I needed.
1 favor tho…
can you brush the foot print of the seat of my pants?
Just thought you’d like to see the work I just finished concerning the construction on the 1976 Cessna 172M, that I took my wife out on our first date in, almost 22 years ago. (for our Anniversary next month)
(The Prop-Blur description goes along with these post)
I thought you might like to see how I displayed mine. The method isn’t difficult at all, but produces a breathtaking Display and conversation piece! [:)]
I’ve been following your posts on that display, and the technics you used.
Very impressive.
I’ve printed off your tutorials and plan to impliment them in some manner.