Can I use Tamiya’s Lacquer Thinner with AK Interactive paint?
I’m ordering AK Interactive paint and want to make sure I have thinner for it.
Rule of thumb that I’ve read is to always use the thinner from the same manufacturer
I think that’s more critical with an acrylic that an enamel or lacquer.
It is what it is, but I’d rather spend the money on more paint than thinner i wouldn’t have to need at the moment.
I use the Tamiya lacquer thinner all the time with Tamiya X paints and used to use it with Model Master acrylic with excellent results.
You can use it with AK-Real,but not with the AK acrylic line.
AK-Real goes good also with hardware store lacquer thinner and Mr Hobby Leveling Thinner.
The AK acrylic stuff works with Vallejo’s thinner and Flow Improver.
Which AK Interactive paint are you planning to use? All of their paints fall under the AK Interactive line. Real Color thins great with generic Lacquer Thinner or Mr Levelling Thinner. Their original and 3G acrylics probably perform best with their own proprietary thinners for those lines.
I thin Vallejo, Green Stuff World, and Tamiya X and XF acrylics with water.
If AK Acrylics are anything like Vallejo or GSW, then you should be able to thin them with water as well.
People will tell me I am wrong, but water works for me. HOWEVER, if you are going to use an airbrush you need to use a flow retarder for the Vallejo and GSW paints. They dry too fast when airbrushing.
They are the Real colors and lacquer based.
I’ve been using the Tamiya lacquer thinner on the Tamiya X paints for years and the finish is hard as nails.
Tamiya Lacquer Thinner should work great with AK Real Color paints. I’ve never used the combo myself, but have heard that they work well together.
If the AK colors are lacquer based, use Mr Leveling Thinner. That stuff is amazing!
The place I was ordering from was out of Mr Leveling Thinner or I would have given that a try
If whatever hobby shop you are looking at is out, go on Amazon. They have it.
I’ll see what kind of deal I can find on Amazon, but in the mean time I’ll try the Tamiya.
Mr Leveling works nice with it,but as I said earlier even regular hardware store LT works too, along with your Tamiya,its about preference ,cost,and availability.
Mr Leveling Thinner is different than lacquer thinner. And I have found it helps paints behave better. That is why I keep suggesting that instead of lacquer thinner.
Im just saying LT works too,I have used it also.