Tamiya's GMC 6x6

Hi Gang !

I have Tamiya’s GMC 6x6 truck ready to be made up.

I am wanting to know to make a Canvas Tarp for the the back of the truck.

Is this possible ???

G’Day from OZ

Legends make a canvas cover or you could fashion one with tissue (like the type fancy presents are packed with) and use wire for the bows.

Totally agree with Rob on this one … tarped an old Italeri G.M.C. using the tissue paper a number of years ago. Worked great.

I’ve tarped trucks and half-tracks with tissue paper. works great.

Correction to my above post. It is Trakz not Legends that makes the cover and soft top doors. It costs around $22+ and is set #TX002

the tissue paper makes a good tarp for any purpose; coat the paper with white glue, then shape it for what you want the tarp for, you can cover the full bed are just part of it, for a partial tarp cut the tissue paper to cover the full bed then while the glue is still soft roll it back as far as you want; use the hoops that come with the kit to support the tarp