Do you know what is the best alternative thinner for Tamiya Acrylics other than the Tamiya thinner?
Do you know what is the best alternative thinner for Tamiya Acrylics other than the Tamiya thinner?
iso alcohol, 99%
Not always … it causes the finish to turn out flat. 91% isopropyl alky (not 99%) is what I normally use, but I normally want a flat finish. If you want gloss Tamiya’s thinner is your best bet, but if you want flat you can use alky with no problems. 50% alcohol and 50% water might prevent the finish from being flat but I haven’t tried it.
Do you notice any difference in the 91% Iso and the 70% Iso alcohol mixed 50/50 with water?
I am not sure which one I have but I believe it is the weaker 70% if I remember correctly.
I only used the alky / water mix once with MM acrylics, and the finish was about the same as I got with just 91% alky. The tip-dry problem wasn’t as pronounced though and it dried a little slower.
but don’t use water with tamiya paints
Have you experienced any crackling problem with thinners others than Tamiya’s?? That’s muybiggest fear using a different thinner??
No, I haven’t had any cracking problems at all. Probably 90% of what I paint is airbrushed using Tamiya acrylics thinned with 91% isopropyl alcohol and a couple of drops of retarder. The retarder slows down the drying time so I don’t have such a problem with dry tip on my airbrush. It sprays fine, goes on smooth, and the only down side I’ve noticed is that the surface is always flat.