Anyone have suggestions for me? I will be starting the Tamiya M1A1 120mm main battle tank.
It’s probably the easiest Abrams tank to build straight out of the box. There’s a laundry list of tweaks you can do to accurize the kit, but with just a few basic adjustments, you can make a decent kit out of it.
It has the older style track, appropriate for the late 80s through the Gulf War. The rear mounted APU was done away with around this time.
I guess the modifications depend on your level of skill and your desire for accuracy.
Well, I want accuracy, but I’m not too skilled.
Agreed with Rob here, lordsauron. I’ve built several Abrams kits - M1A1HA, USMC M1A1HA, M1A2 - by different manufacturers - DML, Tamiya, Trumpeter, United Defense (just kidding on the United Defense [:D] ). Currently building an Abrams by Trumpeter. If you want lots of photo references for the Abrams, check out this link: [ur][/url] by Scott Cunningham. Impressive site with lots of pictures of the Abrams and other vehicles. Enjoy your precioussss lordsauron! [:D]
you could always do a comedy scene and have the Abram running through the golf course in the desert like on Home Improvment that time…[:D]
Stick to the Tamiya kit, better fit and waaaaay better quality. My first M1 was the AMT kit, bad news, used that for target practice. You can put a ton of PE on it, but to make it look real, i.e. field abuse, get some chalks. A few dollars spent here can make a world of difference. Remember, M1’s were clean once, the day they rolled off the line in Lima.
The kit is a decent one. If you are going to put stowage on it, make sure nothing goes on the blow-out panels behind the turret hatches.The tracks are ok, the big-foot tracks were originally for the M1A1HA. If you want some really accurate looking track, get the workable track from AFV CLUB.
Tank Commander
The APU in the Kit reflects those still in use by the M1A1s used for training in 81st armor at ft knox. correct unit bumper numbers would be 1ATB 1-81 or 1ATB 2-81 for the unit. Use nato camo pattern for M1A1s and Desert with the right rear engine compartment door painted black for M1A2s. Both tanks in those units use the old APU. Lack of money to get the new ones.
I’m also currently building the Tamiya M1A1… It’s a great kit and like Rob (Hi Sir) said, there are a lot of mods you can do to it besides just OOB… I’m scratchbuilding the driver’s hatch and a rudimentary turret interior with some .015 evergreen sheet and some parts from various kits. Have fun with it!
Amazing, a beginner among veterans and experts. I fell small.
We all have to start somewhere. So don’t feel small.