I bought the Me 262 A-2a kit and the Do 335A kit at hobby lobby’s half off sale. Problem is, I don’t have the right paints. I want to purchase the Proper RLM colors instead of using Tamiya’s generic stuff, and I have no idea about mixing, so this is where I need your help. What colors go with what RLM numbers?
From the Me 262
XF-63 German Gray
AS-5 Light Blue
XF-22 RLM Gray
Mix of XF-7 Flat Red (1 part) and XF-56 Metallic Gray (5 parts)
TS-46 Light Sand
From the Do 335
XF-50 Field Blue (the pilot’s uniform)
XF-24 Dark Gray (the pilot’s uniform)
XF-27 Black Green
TS-2 Dark Green
Mix of XF-5 Flat Green (1 part) and XF-3 Flat Yellow (1 part)
I plan on buying Model Master Acrylics for my German projects (I have a Ju88 C in the stash as well) So any help you guys can supply would be absolutely fabulous! Thanks!
XF-22 = RLM 02
XF-63 = RLM 66
Light Blue (Lictblau) is RLM-76
XF-27 = RLM 70 or RLM71
Good luck on the others