Tamiya Flat Base X-21

How thick is Tamiya Flat Base X-21 supposed to be out of the bottle?
I opened mine today and it is almost too thick to get into an eye dropper.
Is this normal?


Yep, the Flat Base is really thick goo in the jar, even when “factory fresh”.

Beware, because a little goes a long way. Depending on how “flat” you want the final result, 1 part Flat Base to 4 - 6 parts of X-22 Clear will give you a very flat clear coat. Any more and your clear coat will be a translucent white coat.

Like he said :wink:

It varies slightly but it’s always pretty thick, Mike.

Thanks guys.

The first time I used Flat Base, I didn’t mix it waith any gloss coat! Result: one totally frosted plane and one totally frustrated modeller![censored]

So, don’t forget: It’s a flattening agent , that should be used with an acryllic gloss coat such as Tamiya Clear or Future.

Mike, it is also thixotropic—a $5 word meaning it changes viscosity as you stir it. Stir it gently before picking it up with the dropper.

This is exactly how I found this website, the only difference being it was my son’s P-51. Panic, search for modeling sites, found FSM, searched for Tamiya Flat Base and discovered Music City’s website in a post. His tips were so helpful, that I am forever in his debt.

The rest, as they say, is history. [:D]

Thanks Ross! [;)]
It still seems too thick even after stirring it and seems like a lot is wasted as it sticks to the eye dropper.
Maybe mixing a little Polly Scale flat with Future may be a better bet, anyone tried that?

Thin- Thin, I smoked a scooter with that stuff. It looked like a bad wax job on a porsche. Practice on a piece of glass.

I mix the Flat Base with Future, and it works fine as long as you use the proper quantities.

Ah, the monthly XF21 thread.

Oh, lighten up, AJ! [;)]

Maybe someone should collect all the Tamiya X-21 posts, put them in a thread, and ask to have it stickied. I volunteer you—you complained about the cooking, so you get to cook! [C=:-)] [(-D]

BTW: cool emoticons! That barfing smiley is hilarious!

You behave Al, I am new to this Tamiya stuff. [:P]

The X-21 is great stuff that I use to great effect in different ways. It is supposed to be like that. I’ve been using it forever, as I prefer very flat paint for armor, or on certain aircraft. Experiment with it. I did a Tamiya LVTP7A1 green camo, very very flat with it. Great effect. As a Marine you may be familiar with this I’m sure. My brother was in the Corps, 3087 Parris Island 22 Dec, 1981.

I’m never without a bottle of it.

AJ is that sig from the Red Green Show? handsome/ handy I thought that show was too fargin funny! His sidekick was a nut. GREAT STUFF!

Gulfstream, yes it is from The Red Green Show. Our PBS station just ran the official last episode a couple weeks back. It came as something of a shocker to us. They are still carrying re-runs, however.

Mike, I am behaving. You should see some of the things I’ve said about this [censored]. It seems there’s a thread a month from someone who assumed this clear flat was like all the other clear flats on the market and ruined a good model in the last steps. I know many of the posters here swear by it, I swear at it. [:D] Part of the problem is the weak labeling. I get good results with Testors Dullcoat shot through my airbrush and I only need to add a touch of thinner to get it to the right consistency rather than mixing it at whatever the right ration of base and Future to get he right degree of flat. One thing I learned, lo, those many years ago when I wasn’t selling insurance for a major mutual life company was the K.I.S.S. principle. When thisngs get more complicated than need be, I look in the mirror and remind myself, “KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID.”


I normally spray Polly Scale flat but I wanted some semi flat for the prop on my P-47D so that is why I tried it. It is too thick if you ask me. [;)]

I just recently had pretty good success with Future, Tamiya Flat Base X-21 and windex. I took 10ml of Furture .625 ml of X-21 and a spritz of Windex - shaked it up and brushed it on. I got a nice satin finish. I am modeling a pilot boat.

As AJ said if Tamiya would properly label the bottles in ENGLISH many modellers would not be caught out this way.