Also another question I have is:
What is the Buff used for. I am building the 1\35 IFV and it sates in the directions that after the OD is painted, paint it with the Buff???
Will this not cover up the OD or is this to be lightly sprayed over the OD.
Maybe you’re supposed to paint the O.D. IN the buff! LOL!!
What vehicle are you building? This could be an interior color.
Gip Winecoff
In the buff, OK Im sure the neighbors will love that, not to mention the wife will have me commited.
Painting the Bradly M2A2 IFV. I read it several times and it said paint in OD and then Buff. Interior is a completly different color.
I use Buff for dust streaks and if thinned enough it can also be used to simulate rain streaks on armor.
Ill leave it OD and use the buff for diert streaks as you suggested. I will be fully clothed at the time. 
Thanks for the help