Tamiya 1/48 Spitfire and Refueller Completed

About 10 months ago I started up model making in earnest. As a kid (50 years ago) I made a ton of models…but straight up brush painted and all testors. I had zero idea about airbrushing and all the stuff you guys in here use. So I splurged on a ton of stuff and started in. After watching countless videos and how-to builds I decided on the Tamiya Spitfire…lots of vids out there and helpful things…so here’s a compilation shot from my build log.


That is beautiful. Love the scene!

That’s a nice little RAF combo you have there!!


Wonderful! Congrats. That’s a great kit and extremely well executed.

That looks great! Very nicely done

That is some good modelling there! Well done! Glad you are back in the hobby :slight_smile:



Looks great

Very well rendered. A Spit was my first “serious” model too.

Very nice - the refueler looks great and adds great scale to your nicely done spit.

Me likey!

Very nice scene