As a huge fan of the movie “Apocalypse Now” putting this model together was a real treat. I would have liked to weather it a bit more, but my skills are not there yet. I still have a lot to learn and did not want to experiment on this model. I did attempt to use a wash (Water Color, Vinegar, and Dish Soap). When dried it left stains where it pooled. Any tips are welcomed…
i’ve never heard of using watercolor, and vinegar. i think that the vinegar is your culprit to leaving stains. I use vinegar to kill weeds and it leaves a white substance on my drive way after it dries. try oil paints and turpentine. or water-soluble oil paints and water.
I would avoid using any water-based paint as a wash. It drys too quick. Stick with oil or enamel based washes. Nice build by the way. Since you are a fan of the movie, have you read “The Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad?