Take my T.V. please!!

On another topic James Larson stated that the heat kept him from building, for me it has to be the t.v. Think about it: Say five hours a day watching t.v. is five hours of modeling down the drain. Add that up over the course of week and your looking a perhaps one model being finished. Naturally most of us can’t live without ESPN or the History Channel, but its time to boycott the tv for awhile and get some work done. Anyonelse have this problem or perhaps other distractions that you like to use for excuses as not to build?

I’ve got a tv right next to my modeling desk, and a vcr to tape the good (military) programs. But it still cuts into modeling. Just so much good research.

I echo Wayne, I too keep a TV next to my modeling table. I more listen to it than watch. But I can look up at any time.

Me too. My TV is in my model room. Can’t live without Bill O’Reilly and History Channel.

I actually got rid of my cable just because I can get the same “quality” programming from the on-air stations that I can over cable. If I want to watch something from the History Channel, I’ll just wait for them to show it on PBS. Besides, there’s really nothing on anymore, anyway. I just spend all of the time I used to watch TV on this forum or playing Arcanum.


Five hours a day?.. Boy would that be something. I’m lucky if I get five hours a week. Between work, family, modeling and reading my schedule is pretty full. Once the kids are off to college, I hope to have lots more tv time [:)].


I don’t watch a lot of TV except for the weekends: College football and basketball, the NFL, a touch of NASCAR, and maybe some Formula I on the Speed Channel. The rest of the time is taken up with yard work, fixing the toilet, and paying attention to my two children (not necessarily in that order). Maybe when they start school in the fall, and maybe when the grass turns brown, and maybe…then I’ll start modeling more. I also have a real hard time watching TV movies! Entirely too many commercials…
I can hear the announcer now, “We interrupt this commercial to bring you your regularly scheduled program.” And THEN there’s the time spent on this forum…
Gip Winecoff

Maybe I’d better move my TV into my hobbyroom like most of you. I still don’t think I would get any more work done that way. Darrenbb I work early, 6am-2pm, so I do have some time to burn. However, Because of those hours, I tend to get screwed on the housework that needs to be done, since my wife works more traditional hours. My 7 year old daughter drains the energy I could put towards modeling right out of me. Hence, there isn’t much time left. I know, I know, there is still time if you make it!

Got a TV with a DVD player. Gotta get inspired from time to time. Throw in “12 O’clock High” or “The Blue Max” and build something!

Maybe I am one of those lucky people that can build and “listen” to the t.v. at the same time.
(Unfortunetly I gotta have digital cable to get the wings channel.)
I’ll put on wings,cnn,the history channel,espn.
You know all the MAN channels and just listen to them.
But sometimes I watch t.v. by default.
The kids like it when I watch their shows with them .

Yeah, gotta have the TV (sigh) Its too easy to get hooked on some of those shows (the latest time bandit is BBC’s Red Cap. I’m a sucker for the mystery series BBC America runs) But the upside is they go into rotation so the night of the repeats is modeling time. Same with the other cable channels. Miss it early, watch it late or vice versa) My free time gets spread pretty thin now as it is, sometimes the mindless fixation of the tube is just what I need.


TV is not a problem for me. But building models for others can be, because it’s hard to find the time to build models for myself. When I’m at my desk, it takes a lot to overcome the ‘I should be working, trying to complete this commission on time’ notion…

My workshop is my own little hideaway it is in my basement. The room is rather large so it has all the comforts t.v./v.c.r a couch little fredge for drinks and snacks. So the biggest problem for me is to leave, and during this hot spell I’ve even spent a few nights sleeping down there when the upstairs is to warm

Between TV and reading this site I’m surprised I get any modelling done…

Since Cartoon network was pulled from the cable I have more time for other stuff… Modern cartoons are just no match for Tom and Jerry anyway.


Fade to Black…

I don’t watch TV when I model but I do have the radio or stereo on sometimes.

Take my TV? I think I’d get more modeling done if you’d take my computer!