hi guys-- a couple of pics of t-34 build i’m working on now-- this model, to do right, is demanding-- i can see it taking a long, long time to finish-- i love it[:D]-mostly all i’ve done so far is cut the top off the turret and worked on how it fits and the turret roof and hatches-- i’m cutting off the molded detail and scratching the wiring and torsion bars for the hatches[:P]–hints and help welcome-- treadwell
Looks great so far. I look forward to seeing more as you work on it.
I may even have to start working on my T-35 again! [:)]
well I don’t have any hints or tips since I’ve never even built a T-34 before… but I can say it looks good! keep up the good work!
Which kit is it? I’m not quite sure why you’re puttying up so much of the inside of the turret, you won’t be able to see into anyway. Keep us updated.
puttying up the inside so when the turret roof comes off,the insides looks as if it is all one piece-- as it would be-- my goal is to have the roof permanently removable, but with an almost undetectible line by the factoty weld–this is 1/16 trumpeter-- treadwell
Thanks for the clarification. I thought you might be an overzealous rivet-counter type. Just teasing. [;)]
Sligtly off topic, what putty are you using?
Kit looks yust great with excellent detail, please keep posting.
Looking good! Good luck!
hi guys-- thanks for looking-- i will post more,but i am a slow,‘one at a time’ builder, plus i work about 50 hrs a week soooo–[:P]–anyway JohanT-- the putty i am using is ‘car system’ ‘NC-Kombi-Spachel’-it is an acrilic like nito cellulose putty for fixing imperfections prior to paint for full scale vehicles-suggested thickness is 1 mm–although on my model i have built it to about 1.5mm - it has very little ‘shrinkage’–i work in a bodyshop catering to german cars---- well anyway,i gotta go count rivets now[:)]–lol–treadwell[:D]
Nice job, I’m hoping someone molds a T-34/85 in 1/48 scale soon enough, 'cuz then I’ll build it to represent the tank of my namesake!!
Wow Treadwell looks like you have your work cut out mate ,
Good luck with the project looking forward to seeing it complete, !K
Boy oh boy does that look familiar!!!
Let me know if you need anything on the T-34/85. I spent weeks gathering research materials before I opened the box. I can give you dimensions for the Thoma screens if you want to add them.
Treadwell my man, Terry here,
I recognise those parts, you are right to separate the roof on an 85, otherwise nothing will be seen. If I may be bold, do not stay working on any particular section, you will die of boredom. Keep changing around and checking references. You have my e-mail feel free to contact me, terryburke33@eircom.net
I will be starting back on the T34 next week, I needed a break, and was waiting on some books which have finally arrived. As I indicated to you by mail try tanxheaven.com.
I don’t know if you are aware but you will never in your life see as many ejector pin marks again as long as you live.
Again any help I can give just email me,
Good luck, good work so far,
PS want to try this one as a small GB, it will be slow.
Terry here again,
try humbrol putty mixed slightly with paint thinners.
hi again guys–thanks all for looking![:D]—Jeff-- thanks for the offer-- i would love to have specs on the thoma screens-- i saw your model somewhere here in the forums, but tonight i couldn’t find it-- would love to see more-- it looked awsome![:D]-- Terry!-- nice to hear from you again-[:D]-how are the batteries coming?-- in one of your posts you said it may take another year for you to complete this model-- i BELIEVE you, bro-- its a great kit but so much little crap has to be fixed-- i love it![:P]-- i will be in touch with you soon-- thanks again all-- any links, hints, and help is greatly appreciated-- pics speak a thousand words–[tup]-- p.s. on the ‘down’ side, my kit came without sprue ‘N’ that contains the details for the turret interior and the barrel and gun carriage and related parts-- i contacted the U.S. importer,Stevens Int.,they said they would ‘try’ to help, but since my wife bought the kit for me ‘on-line’- for Christmas they were not sure–[:(]- i will forge ahead , hoping for the best–thanks, treadwell
I never thought I’d ever hear myself saying this…
My T-34/85 is on the January cover of FSM, so you can see it there, along with a pretty detailed article on what I did to it (not much internally).
I’ll get those measurements for you this weekend, along with the dimensions of the styrene stock I used.
Looks great. THere was another member doing an amazing detailing job of his T-34 as well.
hi again-- hi Jeff–OOPS–sorry i didn’t know your fine work was on the cover–there are only 2 hobby shops in my ‘frequently driven’ area and neither carry FSM- only r/c mags-- since i have returned to this hobby about 7 mo.ago(after 30 year absence) its kinda been a game of ‘catch up’-- i got a lot to learn!–after i checked my e-mail tonight and read yours,i immediately ordered my subscription- unfortunately it doesnt start for 3 to 6 weeks, but i’m gonna find a store with the Jan. issue – i swear!- lol-- i look forward to getting the info on the thoma screens-- thanks so much[:D]-- treadwell