Sweets & Treats Shop-Completed 04 February

I figured since Neal (@Real G) is sharing his Sushi Shop, I might as well share the one that I’ve been working on for a week or so now. My wife and I were at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago and spotted this little kit. She immediately picked it up and said that it would be right down my alley with all of the detail that this kit has.

Here’s what we picked up:


Ok, I’ll be attending. :grin:

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Interesting, will have to check my local one to see if they have any like this left. Do you recall what aisle/section it was in?

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Glad to have you guys along. @Ranger_Chris61 , It was in the dollhouse section . So far it’s not a bad little kit.
Managed to get all of the, flooring, concrete/ rock base, wall papers on and get the stockings in the window and window frame installed. I went ahead and scuffed the flooring too.


I can’t quite tell from the photos. Is this a laser cut plywood deal, or regular old styrene?

Any aftermarket goodies you’re planning to include? :grin:

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Interesting so far. Are the stockings details plastic or paper? Looks like this kit has an LED lighting kit as well. Of course you’re realistically weathering this scenario already :grin:


Based on the box I was thinking it was in with the Christmas stuff. Will have to look in that section when I go tomorrow.

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That’s what I would’ve thought too. Hopefully you’ll be able to find one. If not, you can still buy one here: Sweets and Treats Room

Nice kit! And there are so many car kits and figures in 1/24 that you could fill out a little display with them, too.

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Thanks Baron! I dunno if I’ll do that with this one but you can bet I’ll be doing something like that with this kit that I just put on order.


That is about as meta as meta can be for us modelers. I like it!

Not certain I could build the sweets shop without repeatedly heading to the kitchen for a snack. :chocolate_bar:

Someday I hope to model a boat building/repair shop.

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[quote=“JoeCalPo, post:11, topic:372974, full:true”]
That is about as meta as meta can be for us modelers. I like it!

Not certain I could build the sweets shop without repeatedly heading to the kitchen for a snack. :chocolate_bar:

Someday I hope to model a boat building/repair shop.
[/quote] Yeah I saw that hobby shop and just HAD to have it.

Funny story, I built a model garage dio a few years ago here and among all of the things that I put in that dio, I painted up a cheeseburger and fries on top of the tool box. I was hungry for cheeseburgers and fries the whole time I was building that garage scene after I put that dang burger & fries in there.

That would be a cool thing to see with that boating repair shop. :+1:

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So saw what they had by me and they have some good options.

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This one looks interesting…

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I was looking at that one too. There’s a few things in there that could be swapped out for better detail but I like the idea. So much potential in that little space in there.


Any sense as to scale, please?

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It’s all 1/24 scale @munchie

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So went by different Hobby Lobby and noticed they have a number of materials that could easily be used for a wide assortment of dioramas

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Right on Chris. I go back there from time to time too just to see what all’s there. Some (notice I said “some”) of that stuff will work in an auto garage diorama.

Not just that but i can think of a number of dios they could be used in. Just need a little outside the box thinking.

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