Thanks alot Wing-nut, Ian, MG42 Gunner and MadK! Glad you liked it.
Doog: Thanks! and unfortunately I don’t have a reference photo for this camo scheme. (while atleast not saved anyway.) I stumbled across the pic on google on the computers at school a couple months ago and didnt think to save it, I went searching on google for it yesterday and came up empty handed. Sorry, If I manage to find it at any point in the future I’ll send it to ya [;)].
Raptordriver: Thanks! and as MECHTECH said, The “S Tank” came out during the 60’s and was phased out of the Swedish army not too long ago. This particular vehicle (a “B”) probably would have served around 1980-84.
Bbrowniii: Thanks! From the little that I know about the tank it mainly has to do with Sweden being interested more in defense than offense, they went for the lowest silhouette possible. This is from Wikipedia:
–“Sven Berge of the Swedish Arms Administration proposed an alternative in 1956, given the codename S. Noting that the chance of being hit in combat was strongly related to height, he proposed that any new design should be as low as possible. The only practical way to do this was to eliminate the turret, which would also make the tank much lighter and simpler. Note however that its most likely opponent, the T-72, is only 2.2 meters in height with its turret vs. the 2.14 meters of the Strv 103. Occasionally tanks deploy themselves into ‘hull down’ firing positions, either purpose dug or using the crest of a hill, in order to reduce the exposure of the vehicle to enemy fire. In this firing position the distance between the bottom of the gun barrel to the top of the turret or vehicle determines the level of exposure. Because the Strv 103 orientates the entire tank to depress and elevate the barrel in a hull down position it has a very low apparent height and subsequent visual profile to the enemy. It can also lower the hull 13 centimeters. However such static use of a tank is at odds with the very concept of a tank, i.e. a mobile, protected gun platform able to bring heavy firepower to bear upon the enemy as you attack. Hence the S Tank is really a defensive vehicle.”–
I hope that answers your question [:)].
Steve: Thanks! The outer lenses are supposed to be the lights, and since Trumpeter molded them in solid green plastic, I had to paint them silver. The inside ones, are my attempt at “infa-red” lights but they didnt turn out quite as I would of liked and turned out more brown than anything. All of the pics except the last one were taken outside in the sun, while the last pic is one from last week when it was kinda cloudy.
Thanks for the replies guys [:D]!