I built this for my Model Building Techniques Class. The assignment was Kitbashing. I had a lot of fun building this. Comments are welcome. Thanks, Rob.
Very cool. I have had the same thought more then once when looking at some of the odd German aircraft of WWII “that would make a cool looking spaceship”. Good use of your parts box, like all those radiator fans and other engine parts. A comment on the other photos “Mini” monster truck, who would of thought, apparently you.
I would call it an Old Republic or even a Naboo bomber due to the heavy WW II aircraft and pulp sci-fi influence. Beautiful build! Can’t wait to see it completed!
Great work!!! Best use of a submarine model I’ve seen yet! Pretty neat concept too. I like how you pretty much assured it being taken as a Star Wars vehicle by the nacelle extention ala Y-wing. Leastwise for anyone who’d ever seen Star Wars. Very nice workmanship in the cockpit too. I like the seat treatment. Is it round styrene tubing cut and glued side by side?
An excellent project indeed! I think it fitting that the inspiration be WWII aircraft. After all, it is in the spirit of the original Star Wars - what with Lucas being inspired by WWII dogfights… and how many battleship model kits were used to make the Death Star and other craft? Hundreds at least!