Star Destroyer model

Hey, guys. I am currently awaiting the arrival of a Star Wars Star Destroyer model I picked up on ebay. I built the model years ago (with little experience, I might add), and remember how ‘un-authentic’ it was. I’ve heard rumors of resin aftermarket parts for this ship. Any assistance in locating said parts would be most appreciated!!

I wouldn’t know about the aftermarket parts, but I also have the model and was pretty pleased with it to be honest. I just wonder how people could actually authenticate a science fiction model kit… Bit of an oxymoron…

Is it the version with the fibre optic lighting?

This is also reminding me I have a Falcon cut away I need to get to grips with…

May the Force be with you…[:D]

No, I got the '89 reissue w/o the lights. The one with the fiber-optics goes for about $70, but I found this one for $16. Gotta catch the bargains when you can!!

Sublight Level Industries (the name was something like that) did a resin update to the Star Destroyer adding new sides, those ball things, engine inserts, docking bay and even included a small Blockade Runner. They only produced them for a short while and then went out of the resin making business. I was lucky enough to get one of them before they stopped making them. You could try Ebay to see if someone has one up for sale, but I would imagine that they would pull in more than what they originally went for.

Incidently, back around 1996-9 the large AMT sci-fi kits were being given away at Toys R Us for around $10, Big Lots/Odd Lots stores for $4.99 and KB Toy liquidators for around the same price.

Thanks for the update. I’ll see what I can scrounge up!

There is some info here.

It is at the bottom of the topic list so it may not be there much longer.

Thanks for the link! This looks promising…

If you ever happen to be in Orlando Florida, stop into 1701. They scratch-built a Star Destroyer to scale with the old Micro-Machines Millenium Falcon using cardboard and plasticard. This bad boy was nearly 15 feet long! As I said before, they scratchbuilt everything, using the movies and “Tech Manuals” from the RPG. VERY Impressive!

You’ll want to check out the work of Lasse Henning from Norway at this site:

Just looked at the site…Wow this guy is good
Thanks for the info John

I just happened to check out the SMT site and noticed that they mention that they will be releasing the Sublevel 3 Star Destroyer detail kit through their site. Here’s the link:

– GooberGuru

Appreciate the link!! I will be checking back with them for a release date. Thanks for the help[.

Long time armor builder here. Does anyone know if kits of the super star destroyer and the Imperial Walkers (the bigger one) exist in any form? Thanks for any help.

The regular star destroyer kits show up on ebay all the time. Is there a kit of the super star destroyer?

Also, for the walker, when you say “the bigger one” do you mean the 15" tall resin kit from SMT or the smaller plastic kit from AMT? I don’t think the SMT kit is available anymore, but the small plastic kit is an ebay regular.


– GooberGuru

I was asking if a 4 legged imperial walker exists in kit form. I thought it did at one time, but I’m not having any luck finding one. Is the AMT kit worth the money?

The large 4-legged MPC AT-AT was from the Empire Strikes Back movie model line. The kit is almost 25 years old and wasn’t that great a fitting kit back then. I does look like an AT-AT when completed. The Return of the Jedi reissue in the AMT/Ertl box is probably the cheapest boxing around.

There were a couple of other AT-AT kits produced by the same company. One was a little wind up model kit toy that was about 4" high. It was very clunky looking. The other came with the Battle for Hoth diorama scene. This set contained a 1/144 scale Falcon, X-Wings, Y-Wings, Snow Speeders, AT-STs, and several AT-ATs. Some were walking others were fallen. These little ones were about 6" and nice for the size.

SMT has a nice, but expensive, resin kit. Their web site says that it’s out of stock, but that it will be available in the future. Here’s the link:

This page also has a link to a page that has a comparison of their kit with the AMT kit, which might be useful.

– GooberGuru

Some new things on the way…[:D]

Sory to pull this out of the dirt pile, but [BH] I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT. I want to get some Star Wars models to add to my other SW stuff. No, not to just put in the cabinet in mint condition boxes. I want to build some stuff to display. I dont want toys, I want models. I really want an AT-AT model, but since its a BIIIIIIIIIIG vehicle, I want the BIIIIG version of the model. Yes, the 15" version and not the 8" version. If I have to make the parts myself, so be it. It will be a first, but I want it. I just need aloooooooooot of help. Star Destroyers, and big icons that had me in AWE since I was little. Any help finding or getting this stuff will be apreciated.

Is SMT still (legally this time) doing business in the Star Wars Arena?

LFL issued them a C& D order at the time thier resin B wing was being produced.
