SS-12 "Scale Board" pics needed UPDATED: need help deciding which camo type

i built a “scale board” but now i don’t know how to paint it. Does anyone know what the russian SS-12 scale board should be painted like? the only pictures of it i could find were cold war black and white spy photos of it in parades. the scale board was simular to a scud, but carried a nuclear missle. the truck looks the same as a sud, but the missle is very diferent. any help would be appreciated[;)]

Here is apage with a couple of color photos.
Looks like it is russian green with a bare metal nose cone.

thanks HeavyArty. maybe i will make up a camo scheme. hummmmmmmm

here are my proposed plans, pleasse tell me what you think



green camo

snow camo

snow camo 2

That site kept prompting me to download a toolbar from Joe’s Software Emporium…that’s an old network engineer’s joke about trusted certificates…hmmm very fishy on what they were trying to install…[}:)][B)][:(!]