I have recently acquired the testors 1/48 scale sr-71 blackbird model and need some help. The kit looks to be in order but one of its jet exhaust ports is broken. This part looks to be not fixable so i went looking for some resin/pe parts to replace but can’t seem to find any for at least under $50. This is quite a bit more than I wanted to spend, especially considering when bought the kit wasn’t even that much. I have thought about just scratch building two entirely new exhaust parts for it bit that is going to take quite a bit of time and skill. So, does anyone have any other ideas or does anyone know where I can get some cheap resin/pe parts for it. If so please let me know because this is quite a nice bird and I would really like to see it finished. Thanks to everyone for their help and time.
Are you tlaking about the exhaust nozzels or some of the detail in the engine? Could you send a picture?
If it’s the inside engine ring it should be a fairly easy fix to either replace the part or take a thin piece of plastic and glue it over the broken part.
If it’s the outer engine nozzle maybe a little putty or a small piece of plastic would do.
Hard to say exactly without seeing it.
The Habu was always the thing to watch when it took off and a night launch made it look like a Colonial Viper from the original Battlestar Galactica series with its blue ball of fire behind it. I lived in a housing area about 12 miles from base and sometimes whenit was calm yhou could hear it launch and climb for about 3 minutes. When it was returning sometimes I would go up on the Squqdron building and get some good shots ot os it deployed its drag chute and taxi to its hanger.
The odd exhaust color on startup was due to the use of a boron compound used to help start ignition - the fuel was designed to have a high flashpoint so it needed help.
Yup post a photo - I might be able to help. I have spare parts.
All SR-71 airframe aftermarket is $$$$$. BTW, Revell announced a NEW TOOL 1/48 SR-71 for 2021!
I do not know how to attach a picture of it but his is the real part pf tje plane I need to fix. Also, it is quite broken and do not think putty will be enough to fix it, but thanks for the suggestion.
Yeah, night takeoffs were fun to watch, sitting on the concrete with your back up against the front gear of a 52 right next door. Was at Beale for 3-4 months in '73, before my all expense paid one year vacation to sunny SEA.
You are in luck. I recovered two complete exhaust parts from the Deep Vault. There are pairs of afterburner caps, adapter rings, and exhaust petals. All intact and in unpainted condition.