I have a Badger 200 bottom feed airbrush. I sprayed Future through it yesterday, and then last night, I took the whole thing apart, cleaned it thoroughly with windex and lubricated key joints. Tried to spray a 50/50 mix of alcohol and water and now it’s sputtering (rapid, consistent sputter). My air supply is linked to a central compressor at work, so if anyone else was having problems, they would have said something as well. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Why would you take it apart to clean when spraying Future or any acrylics? I run some Windex through at high pressure (50-60 PSI), then clean that out with distilled water. I have never taken my airbrush apart to clean it in 8 months.
The sputtering is caused by one of two things. Either there is still something blocking the air passage in the head assembly. Or the Teflon Needle Bearing is damaged or missing. If the 200 series had a head washer like the 100/150 series does I would suggest that.
See the parts list from Dixie Art for the 200NH it’s part #50-046 and they recommend that Badger replaces the part.
I hope it’s just some cleaning issue. I would hate to see you have to ship off your AB so soon after getting it.
edit: I forgot to mention that you should use beeswax to reseal the threads on the head assembly. You may be getting air leaking through there and that would cause sputtering too.
to expound on what my esteemed colleague Bill said, one: clean the head and tip… soak those babies in laquer thinner for 30 minutes to an hour to get any junk out… one you reassemble it make sure the head is tight, don’t use pliers or anything, but tighten with your fingers well… if the sputtering continues then check the intake side of the brush… lacquer thinner on a q-tip will clean that puppy out as well… if all that fails think about calling Badger. The number is on their website at www.badger-airbrush.com
chances are I think the cleaning will fix ya up though…