Spitfire Wing Info Needed.......

I am looking for some info that pertains to the wing variations. The question is, I am about to build Tamiya’s Mk. I and I want to convert it into the Mk IB with the 20mm Hispano Cannons.
Is it possible to use the wing from the Mk VB(b)?? Looking at line drawings in the Ospery book No.12(pg89), the wing configuration,position and number of guns looks to be the same with the Mk V5s.
One thing I did notice with the Mk V5s wing though, where the cannon installation is, looks to be two wing braces/strengtheners.
Did the wing of the Mk IB have these as well… Any help is greatly appreciated…
Flaps up, Mike

I don’t have a copy of the Osprey book to compare drawings.
The reference book I do have has some drawings. Over all both
wings are a match.The drawings don’t show all of the external wing
panels so there could be some differences in panel lines.
During a tight turn etc., the wing twisted and the ammunition
drum would contact the skin, causing the 20mm to jam.So the wing
spars were modified . No actual Mk.1B’s came off the production
line.There were two conversion kits available for the Mk 1A’s .
A few of the RAF’s Mk.1B’s went to the FAA and most remaining
Mk 1B’s were converted to Mk VB 's with Merlin 45’s.Hope this helps with
your project and isn’t too much.This book is amazing,best $30 I’ve spent !

Hi Mike,
I can’t say for certain as I don’t have my Spitfire bible with nme right now, but I’m 90% sure the Mk1B had the same wing configuration as the MkV.

I’ll check the book tonight and let you know,


G’day Butz,

I’ve built the Mk IIb Spitfire in 48 by using the Mk Vb wing, the info I got from the Spitfire a History, I’ll locate the info and update later, here are two pix of the Mk IIb on it’s own and with it’s Mk Va brother.

This pic of the Mk IIb clearly shows the external wing braces.

These two birds are based on the Tamiya kit’s and by swapping the wings over from either kit makes the two versions as per the pic.

Niether of these birds are completely finished.

I hope this helps a little.

Hi I’m back!
Well, lobbie’s right. You can use the MkVb wing. Only a small no. of "B"wing fighters were developed, the first being L1007 and the offical prototype being X4257. One of thefirst squadron to operate this version(as far as I can tell) was No.92 Sqn RAF who flew operational MK1B’s in November 1940.

The “B” version did not last long in service though, due to the cannon’s jamming on a regular basis during combat. Because of the additional weight of the cannons and their ammo, it was decided that MK1B aircraft were under powered, the first “B” version to see action was R6889 which was from No. 19 SQN, it’s sortie was not an outstanding success due to the fact that it’s extra weight would mean that it had to be flown at maximum power to keep up with the browning gun aircraft. I think the braces were put on the wings to give more room for ejected rounds as my book mentions rounds getting stuck to the inside of the wings skin as the cannon and magazine were packed inside the wing so tightly and to support the weight of the cannons inside the wing.

Eventually, all the Mk1B’s were converted to MkVb spec. and of course had a more powerful engine. By then the problems of weapon jamming and weight were overcome.

I hope my waffling helps you out,



Hiya Tango, Lobbie ,Fuzzy,
Thank you too kindly for the feed back…!!! As a matter of fact, I’ll be building a Spit X4272 from the 92 Sqd.
I’ll be using Aero Masters decal sheet #48-679 “Battle of Britain”. Thanks again for your help.
This is one ship that I do not have a lot of refeerences on…[:(] And to think, that I like the Spit.
PS could you guys recommend any other books for good references besides the “In Action” and the Osprey book?
Flaps up, Mike

G’day Butz,

The book I use as refference on the Spitfire is this ‘SPITFIRE the History’ by Eric Morgan and Edward Sharklady, published by Key books ltd [London England], it covers every Spitfire ever made with photo’s, tech drawings and colour side views.

The info in this book is what I used when I built my Mk IIb.

Hope this helps a little

Cool Rob,
i’ll look into that… Cheers…
Flaps up, Mike

I have the same book as Lobbie and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Also of great use are the two books by SAMI publications. Book 1 deals with modelling the merlin powerd version and book 2 deals with the griffon powered spits. I have’nt got my own copies yet, but after seeing them at a recent show, I certainly want to get my hands on them!

Regards ,


Thank you for your help[;)]. I have heard of those books and I should have a look see at my LHS,
Take care.
Flaps up, Mike

Rob and Darren are right about the Spitfire book,at 650 pages it’s excellent . The
wing strengtheners were added above the Mk V’s wheel wells due to cracks , buckling and rivet failure. Some Mk V’s had them and some didn’t . Ventura public-
ations has four Spitfire books. Two cover US Spitfires ,one ANZAC and one for Israel.
They have color profiles,mostly b&w photos with a few color and operational/unit
history. Very nice books for the price with rare photo’s.

seems that the story behind the strengthers has taken a twisted turn.
I was told that these existed only on a museum specimen which had crash landed and used them after the accident so simply Tamiya “copied” the mistake…it seems that they did existed after all.
So can you Spit Bible confirm that these bloody thingies existed during WW2 service in the Vs?..even at some of them?

There is a photo in the book Spitfire the history on page 228 that shows
three Mk V’s with short span wings that have strengtheners. There is not date or location in the photo caption .Looks like they are in a muddy field with a small town
or estate in the background.Hope this helps.