spending too much time here

is it just me? whilst replying to another forum(worst kit) it struck me that im spending more time on t,internet(peter kay) than modelling, either here, or trawling around for elusive photos of dh2,s or fokker eiii,s than actually building the thingsbut my typing has improved!!

It’s not just you - at first I though FSM did us a great favor by creating this forum, but now I’m not so sure. . . [;)]

Obviously we’re all suffering from some serious time management problems.

To address this issue we have to look at how we are spending our time. For example: assuming that everyone has 24 hours in their day
8 hours sleep
8 hours work
1 hour eating
1 hour travel times (includes trips to bathroom)
2 hours TV time (excellent source of modelling references)
1.5 hours surfing our favorite sites ie FSM

That leaves 3.5 hours for modelling time, walking the dog, chasing the cat out of our models, having deep dialogue with our partners for life, teaching our children the meaning of life (especially the significant impact that the Sherman Tank has had on all of our lives), dealing with friends, family & neighbours.

So from a time management point of view we have to look at where we can better utilize our existing time.
From the afore mentioned list I can see some obvious changes that could be made. Remember each person has to figure out what is best for their own needs.

This is just one working example.
We all need a good solid 8 hours sleep so no change here.
We all need to work in order to have enough money to buy that next
super-duper-high-detailed, resin-cast, photoetched, gold plated thinga-ma-jig that only appeared on the drawing board of some German W.W.II designer named Fritz. But while at work there is usually time spent doing frivilous things that out boss wants us to do. Maybe we could kill a couple of birds with one stone here. Surf the net while at work, e-mail the wife and tell her how good she looks, E-mail the kids and discuss the important things in life (Sherman Tanks).
Eat while modelling
Who says you can’t sand resin parts while on the crapper (works as a good dust collector)
Get a TV -In card for your computer (I did…so now I can watch CNN and build models at the same time)
Ignore the neighbours / friends / family …you really don’t like them anyways and for sure they really don’t like you (after all you’re a glue sniffing addict right?)
Let the dog chase the cat outside somewhere…the cats not in the models and the dog is getting his exercise.

There you go…just one example of how to free up time…as you can see by my calculations I now have a full 8 hours each and every day to work on my models.

P.S. Professional help like this always costs big bucks. So everyone reading this thread has to submit their credit card numbers to me for billing purposes. I just saw a brand new super-duper-high-detailed, resin-cast, photoetched, gold plated thinga-ma-jig that only appeared on the drawing board of some German W.W.II designer named Fritz that I absolutely need too purchase. My wife says it’s OK…she just e-mailed me and told me so.


I like the way you think, my friend…

(typing while I am in my bathroom…)


Hmmm-A laptop and wireless network would be a big help.

I hear you. But at least if I’m here, I’m not on eBay bidding on that vintage kit that I really can’t afford.

Oops … that reminds me. BRB


Sherman you are too much…stay that way!

Regards, Dan

My shrink said something close to that Dan…I believe his words were more like this though “YOU are too much…you’re going to stay that way” Oh well…I guess I will.

I sure am glad for this forum, even if I spend too much time here. With hobby shop’s seeming to be going the way of the dinosoar, it’s a good way to do what hobbyshop’s were good foe, sharing tips, etc and shooting the breeze. The only difference is that I still don’t get to see what’s new.

It is rather addicting, isn’t it?

Fade to Black…