Speaking of Figures.

Hi Guys and ladies!

Guess what? In the line of figures which I do rarely, I have on Lay-away, The following Wonder-Woman, Batwoman and the four Knights offered by Aurora years ago!

They are somewhat worse for wear and some of the pieces are warped a wee bit.I say so what! The Knights armor in plastic is used only for molds for Very Thin Aluminum over .010 sheet plastic, Vac-u-Formed to shape using the plastic armor as molds. They just fit in the safe zone of my Mattel Machine!

This is what I do with Gaming figures I like too!

The vacuum formed knights sound like a neat project.

Is this so you can easily build multiple versions of smaller figures?

How do you affix the aluminum? Is it just the foil you get from the grocery store or are you using something like the bare metal foil? Is there a particular method you find that works well for burnishing it?