This is one I did for a friend, its the Hasa. kit 1/48th. The Marine decals are a mix from 3 different sets. He needed the F-8 to match a painting he has. As soon as I finished it I went down to the hobby store to pick-up some more paint and what do I see, the new Hasa. Marine F-8 with a new sheet of decals. O-well. Hope y’all like it, this is my first step in the aircraft room.
Nice looking office. Is it stock or did you use AM parts? I have always liked the look of the F-8.
Very nice job on the Crusader. Thanks for sharing.
Regards, Rick
This one is all box stock, and thanks for looking.
Very nice Crusader! I almost picked it up when I was in Singapore last year. You’re aircraft is making me regret not picking it up.
How was the build/fit? Any major problems?
Thank You. This one, overall, was a great fit. One problem, was the front landing gear is held in place with a rubber washer. Well the people under my work table ate it.(I lost it in the black hole). It would have been so much easier if the gear and hole were the same size but no they wanted the gear to move left and right for some reason.[banghead]…Anyway that made for some fun searching in the scrap boxes. And the canope sits in the closed position. If you wanted it open your on your own. Then there is the little problem with the zuni rockets, they fit loose and it’s hard to line up the two halves. Last, this is my 4th F-8, one Lindberg, two monogram, and this Hasa. By far this kit was the best, and most accurate.
Appreciate the “heads up” Skarpotchi.[:D] Thanks!
Beautiful Cruse!
ahhh the hase kit, I been eyeballing it in the squad catalog.
Something cuaght my eye and I dont mean to be offensive here, but the cockpit looks underdone (even for a bird that takes off from a carrier). Looking at the enlarged pic of the office it looks like there some paint smears, or to thin paint on it. Please don’t think I am bringing your build down because the exterior finish is awesome. The pit just doesn’t have the same finished look as the exterior.
The decals look to be really opaque, who made them?
To tell you the truth when I saw the canope could only be closed, (and only left up after serious modifcations) I decided not to spent alots of time on the cockpit. The smear you see, is that on the close-up of the unfinished cockpit? If so I did not paint the top edge so the glue would stick (plastic to plastic). And at the time I took the outside pics the canope was still not glued, because my friend could not decide if he wanted the pilot inside or not. The decals were supplied by my friend, and it took one monogram set, one aeromaster (old set), and the set in the box. It’s funny the aeromaster was for a Marine F-8, but they left out the Marine decal…nice. BTW, I dont mind the honest reply. Thanks Guys.