Hi all, a couple of things are holding up my build of the Texan in South African markings.
1: The colour of the orange parts on the plane.
2: The wheel bay coulour.(interior green or bare metal?)
3: The colour on the inside of the flaps
4: The colour of the anti glare section on the nose(Looks black but have seen a decal sheet stating dark sea grey).
the orange coloured parts on the plane are a colour called “blaze”. Humbrol make this colour (192 Matt Blaze). On the SA Harvard (as the Texan was known here) the wheel bay colour is bare metal with the inside of the flaps being the same colour. The anti glare nose section is not black but a dark grey with dark sea grey sounding about right. If you would like to e-mail me your e-mail adress, I would be happy to send you some pics of the SA Harvards in action. My e-mail is asgill@telkomsa.net. I hope I was or can be of some asistance to you! Happy modelling!
Thanks Arthur that is a great help, I have loads of ref pics for the aircraft as my Dad was in South Africa earlier this year and managed to go up in one, this is who I am building the kit for as Fathers day is approaching(in the U.K).
I do need some better shots of the undercarriage so if you could mail me those it would be even more helpful.