Sorry!! I couldn't resist!

I was just looking at the IMPS/San Diego newsletter(connection to modeling! :wink: ) And saw this. Sorry but I thought it was funny and I’ve been having a horrible day! Hope you like it!

On a clear day:
An F-4 “Phantom II” was flying escort on a B-52 Bomber and generally making a nuisance of himslef by flying rolls around the lumbering old bomber. The message to the B-52’s crew was clear, “Anything you can do, I can do better.”
Not to be outdone, the bomber pilot announced that he would rise to the challenge and out do the fighter. The B-52 continued it’s flight, straight and level.
Perplexed, the F-4 pilot asked, “So what did you do?” The B-52 pilot replies “We just shut down two engines!”


Excellent !!!


That’s great!LOL

Impressive ! ;o)) Aleksander

It works for me!!!

Sure Made my day[:D]
Flaps up,Mike

After a day like today I appreciate the funny. ROFLMAO

Outstanding ! :)- Ed

Great Joke!
Regards, Dan


Older than dirt, but still funny as hell!

Fade to Black…

I read of a similar incident involving two earlier aircraft. Remember the Ryan FR-1 Fireball ? Had a radial piston engine in front with a turbojet in back. A P-38 pilot pulled up along side of a Fireball, shut down and feathered one of his engines. The Fireball pilot proceded to shut down his piston engine and feather the prop. The Lightning pilot, not being familiar with the FR-1, was amazed to see the Fireball, seemingly with it’s only source of power shut down, maintaining formation with him !


The version I heard was;
B52 captain," Well I’ve just been back to the john, now I’m having coffee & a sandwich, and later I may take a nap!"

LMAO! that was good.

My uncle was stationed on the East coast flying P-47’s after WWll. They were deploying to a bombing range in Utah. After take off they went through a lot of cloud cover when they saw the C-54 carrying the ground troops for the deployment. The P-47’s came out of the clouds inverted. The C-54 pilot started to panic and tried to roll the transport over on its back. They were able to stop the pilot before he was able to do it.

Anyone remember Bob Stevens and his comic strip in the back of Air Force Magazine and AOPA Pilot? (others too, can’t recall which) He did some great (mostly hysterical) stories, including the B-52/F-4 deal and another variation on the inverted fighters panicking a transport pilot into rolling “upright”. (Jets this time) AF Magazine had the military stuff and AOPA Pilot had the civilian stuff. He also did a few books, “There I was…”, “More There I was…”, “There I was, flat on my back…” and “If You Read Me… Rock the Tower!”.

If you can find some old Air Force rags there’s one of Bob’s toons on the last page of every ish until he passed away. His cartoons were always the last thing I read when I got my AF rags. Not because they were on the last page, but because I like to save the best for last.

Fade to Black…

THAT WAS RICH !!![:)][:)][:)][:)]


Top stuff my friend
Radio, Australia

hehehehehe!!! LOL, very nice tale!!!
