Ok, here’s where it stands now. I’m really not too happy at all by the appearance of the earth. Too much paint, and I painted it too lightly IMHO. Anyways, things left to do:
Couple more small trees to be added
Loose leaves to be added and a bit more work on the shrubs on the road
Try to do something with this damn groundwork. Any suggestions?
Heavy plastel process still left to go onto the building to tone it all down a bit. It’s just jumping out way too much right now.
Okay so you’re concerned about the earth colour I am assuming everything is fixed down already so this is what I would suggest.
Take a large flat brush and work a dark colour based wash into the light areas around the edges and lighten as your get closer to areas or “recent” use by vehicles and/or men. Add more static grass to areas to cover more of the light areas and maybe some small shrubs here and there. To your roadway to seperate it from the surrounding turf add some small grain sand.
Everything else is fantastic. Great layout. Excellent story and substory telling ideas within the diorama.
Had you entered this at Guelph you would have been going home with one if not all the medallions in the category.
Don’t beat yourself up too much about missing the show. One further thing to suggest if I may. To fill in some of the cracks that have appeared in your groundwork here and there try filling them in with drywall nailhole filler from polyfilla it comes pre-mixed in a tube and dries quickly and fairly evenly.
Other than that great work. Now get your calendar out and mark down the dates I gave you on the other post. Then get your favourite builds together and enter them.
Its a work of art Zo,what a great idea! Gotta tell ya Im in favour of the parched earth effect,gives the ground that special interest,like both of the previous comments mentioned a wash of brown would give the groundcover a little umph. Outstanding work,like it very much!
I would have to say that you did an awesome job on that diorama. It looks very realistic, i like all the little things you added such as the smashed up chairs and other details, It makes it seem more real. It is inspiring. I have a diorama in progress now, just no time. Just wanted to say how much i liked your dio.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I have added some pastel chalk weathering to the building, added lots of fine debris, and given the ground a once over with some field grass and turf, as well as a wash of brown oil paints. Effectively it is finished, and I will strive to take some decent pictures this weekend so that I can post.