I thought about this for a little bit, and I remember the first idea got shot down. Here is my solution and I think this will be acceptable.
A Buy / Trade Forum. A Swap Shop in essence.
Here are the rules:
1. You cannot post anything for sale for money.
2. You can post things you WANT and offer money.
2a. You can post things you have for trade and fish for offers in trade only.
3. You can post things you are willing to TRADE for what you WANT if you would rather trade instead of buy.
4. Finescale is not responsible for any trades / sales that happen here.
5. If answering a WANT post, you can refer them to a store, but you cannot reference them to an individual. In other words, you can tell them to check out squadron.com but you cannot tell them to email Jim.
6. Put all the conditions of the trade in the post. If in doubt, be informative and descriptive.
7. NOTIFY a moderator immediately if someone abuses the forum, i.e. soliciting, advertising, asking for money instead of trade, etc.
8. No money changes hands between posters.
There will be essentially three types of posts on the board… .those that have something for trade and entertaining offers… those that want something and willing to buy … those that want something and have some things to trade.
I think this will solve all the problems at hand. I can moderate it since I understand the concept.
No offense intended, Ron, but I have to disagree with the whole notion of using the forum as a trading post or market. If I went into my local hobby shop and started selling or buying other peoples’ models or equipment, they would kick me out in a heartbeat. The forums, in my belief, were set up as a way to learn and discuss with each other the fine, and sometimes not so fine, points and joys of modelling. In my opinion, if people want to sell their stuff, do it on ebay. That’s the reason that they are there.
Having said that, if someone wants to e-mail me or IM me about a part I may or may not have, fine and dandy. Opening up the forum to “business transactions” is only asking for the degredation of the forum, and possible legal ramifications toward our hosts. It’s just not worth it, for the good of the site.
Well, my solution involves NOT selling anything. You can’t post advertisements… its more of a “Wanted” “Wanted, I have blah for trade” Forum.
Posting anything for sale would be against the rules. You could send people to stores if you know they have the item they are looking for, but that would be about it.
Let me give you an example… You Post…
Title: “Looking for a Tamiya M1A1”
Body: I have several kits for trade or I will buy it outright.
First Reply: Hobbylinkjapan is having a sale on those, check them out.
Second Reply: Ill trade you outright if you have a Trumpeter Zero.
Your Reply: Deal, let me email you about it now.
See my point? It wouldn’t be any of the … 5 kits for sale on eBay… SELLING CHEEP KITS!!! or anything like that. This has been discussed to death, but the problem is people advertising, its insane.
Maybe the way to do it is having a ‘wanted’ forum and a ‘available’ forum with no possibility to answer other than e-mailing direct to the person who posted? It keeps FSM out of any trouble, since the deal is sealed outside the forum… Once the deal is over, one can edit/delete the message.
Good Idea… but the problem would be with the “Available” forum… because every spammer would post there stupid specials and kits on it with LOW LOW PRICES!!! , lmao
True…! What about just a wanted forum…?
I see your point, Ron. I could definately agree to a separate forum just for trades and such.
For the possibilty of spamming the forum, why not limit the amount of posts to it, or have a moderator police for abuse? Shouldn’t be too hard to do, and still limit the forum to non-advertisers.
I agree with DJ a wanted forum would be useful and you could have email only replies…Gregers
I think if there was a “wanted” forum seperate from the other forums it would be workable. Set it for email reply only and keep it seperate by having a link to it in the community section not the forum directory.
Wanted: Alchemist’s secret for turning lead into gold. [;)]
I have to admit, you all are persistant.
However, please keep in mind what I posted here. I know these are good ideas and come with good intentions. But it was a business decision which was made and it might be awhile before it’s reconsidered. Please don’t get your hopes up too high.
Ron would probably give you the formula if you gave hima free subscription…[:D]
Formula is on the
if you have problem finding that thread, Please go here to access the FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY AND PAINT THAT ACTUALLY STICKS TO PLASTIC AND GIVE RON A FREE SUBSCRIPTION THREAD HERE: http://www.finescale.com/fsm/community/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4233