Smoke dischargers - picture help

Hi guys, I wanted to add the wiring to my smoke dischargers on my Panther D, but can’t find any pics that show where it goes. Do any of you have pics of this area??

Thanks, Anthony.

Come on guys, no one knows anything???

I have it, but in which book?..This isn’t like finding a beer in the fridge. [;)]

Will this do?

I found this on the web, and is very helpful to me, but I need to see where the wires go on the top of the tank, do they just go right over the top and right into the top??


I’d go with Kykeon’s picture Anthony. I’m not aware of any surviving Panther ausf Ds so I don’t think you’ll find a museum photo. The wiring on the Tiger mount in Kykeon’s pic just snaked into the hull to the rear of the upper mount.

This is probably the best thing I can find for you;

There is a small, 90 degree angled, armored tube coming out of the turret roof, just behind the smoke discharger mounting bracket. This is where the wires enter the turret.

There is a surviving Ausf D at Breda, in the Netherlands, but if it ever had smoke dischargers, they are long gone by now. has some photos of it.

Ok thanks! I have that piece on my turret roof, but was not sure if that’s where they went…

Thanks, Anthony.

I added the wires, too bad they arn’t very visable…:slight_smile: oh well I know there their [:)]

BTW: What coulour is the inside of the smoke discharger?? Black??

check out this site. Though its a tiger there is a nice shot of the wiring for the dischargers.

BTW: What coulour is the inside of the smoke discharger?? Black??

If the cannister had been discharged then yes. Otherwise the smoke canister would still be in the discharge tube and some of the pics I’ve seen has the top of the cannister everything from light grey or metallic to the color of the tank. (i.e. any overspray)

Ok thanks.