Smattering the paint problem

Having a reoccuring problem with my Badger 150…paint smatters and seems dry. I’m using 18lbs of airpreasure from an air tank. At first i believed the paint/thinner mixture was too thin. I stopped to clean the needle and run some airbrush cleaner through with no improvement…i double checked the needle and it is not damaged.

Any help would be greatley appreciated.

V/r, BW

1.Sounds like the paint’s too thick. Try thinning it.
2. At what distance from your model are you spraying? May want to get closer.
3. You may also want to try straining your paint to get thickened pigments out of the way. An old pair of pantyhose works really well for this.
4. Ensure your paint is well mixed prior to thinning and adding to your airbrush.
5. Make sure the siphon tube from the paint reservoir to your airbrush is thoroughly clean and open…Likewise the airbrush itself.
6. Make sure your paint is a fairly new batch and hasn’t been sitting on your shelf since the Civil War.
These are just some thoughts and ideas. Try what you like and see what works.
Gip Winecoff

Thanks Gip,
Now get off the computer and work on a model.

Thanks! BW


LOL. YOU get off the 'pute and start building. Mix your paint to the consistency of skim milk and try that.