Even though it was a CGI, anyone know what model P40 was in the movie?
Looks like a P-40E to me.
It looked like a P-40E to me as well, but I don’t recall seeing any version of the P-40 that had a back seat.
If it had a back seat it was probably a P-40N
I saw a glimpse of an XP-55 in the commercials… Could anyone verify this was used in the movie, and for what? Thank you!
I noticed a lot of planes in the commercials, Like the LB-30s. I haven’t seen the movie yet so don’t know what else is in there.
While no official version of the P-40 was issued with 2 seats. There were a few modified for training purposes. Warbird versions of P-51’s that are currently being flown have had a second seat added behind the pilot even though that was not a wartime modification either.
Lastly, not too much about the movie is based on fact. Therefore, a 2 seater version of a P-40 would not be required to have one in the movie (it also converts into a highly unlikely version during the show).
There are B-24J’s in the movie but they don’t get much air time (more exploding time).
As for the RAF planes, not sure if they are based on fact or not.
Still, if you don’t get into the “That isn’t possible” or, “those weren’t there at the same time” frame of mind, then you will enjoy the movie.
I know the large 4-engine transports/bombers are B-24 D Liberators. No chin gun and short,stubbed glazed nose. The Sky Captain’s P-40 looks like an E model. It was the most common and most widely used. It definately isn’t an N model, the chin isn’t deep enough. I don’t think it is anything earlier than the E, the chin was moved forward at the E model, it used to sit halfway between the end of the spinner and about 3/4 of the way forward on the nose. Hope this helps.
They’re not really XP-55 Ascenders…they have two engines, almost a cross between an XP-55 and I think something British, a meteor or something like that. The wings are long, and then kind of tip up at about a 15 degree angle. At the angle, where on a real plane ther was a slim box shaped engine housing, in the movie there are mounted a three, paddle blade propeller.
The Liberators have nose turrets so are a later version than the D. But again, could be just someone’s idea of a B-24. They wouldn’t have to be based on a real version. Same with the P-40. If you want to model the one in the movie, start with an E model and make whichever modifications from the movie you want to add (rear seat, special weapons, undersea capability, etc).
I think it was a P-40BS for 'back seat". …although, that could have stood for something else too.[:-,]
To heck with the planes, how about those GIANT ROBOTS???[;)]
I noticed more than just a passing resemblance to a flight simulator game called Crimson Skies.
Crimson Skies in the single best combat flight sim out there! And yeah, I did notice more than a few resemblences (is that a word?) between the two. Though “Sky Captian” is more of a take-over-the-world sort of movie, while Crimson Skies is more air piracy. Both interesing concepts.
Hmm… Crimson Skies movie?
(Just wait 'til I’m a director. [;)])
i just saw the movie today, and id like to just say that nothing in that movie is based on reality. its totally bogus. realism just goes poof. but it was alot of fun ! i LOVED it! i think im going to build a P-40 and do the h 11 0 d markings on it, its just so fun