I have read and seen people using a “silver pencil” in articles all the time, but what exactly is it? I’m guessing it is like a silver colored pecil mabey?
silver artist pencils from an art store,you can use them to create chipped and scratched paint on areas that see a lot of wear(props,wings ,cockpit,etc)
Prismacolor is a brand with several metallic colors. Sell for about a dollar each.
Thanks alot guys, looks like ill be making a trip to the craft store this weekend.
You can also use them to do your Gauge’s & Speedometer on the dash board too…
Artists water colour pencils can be used for all sorts of effects. Not just the silver pencils but the entire range of pencils. They give very subtle colour changes for faded or dirty canvas on world war one biplanes for example. Just be carefull and buy good quality pencils not kids colouring pencils.