In finishing an AA 777 with Modelmaster Silver Chrome, finish was great until I used Future Floor wax. Finish became a semi-gloss. A) What am I doing wrong? and B) How is a high gloss silver kept? and C) How can Future be safely removed to restore the chrome finish?
Did you thin the Future with something? I’ve never seen it look semi-gloss, it’s always been super high gloss when I’ve used it.
Hornet, I’ll assume you’re using ModelMaster “Chrome Silver”. I’ve discovered that the paint is quite shiny and metal-like by itself. The Future makes it glossy, like clear coat over a granite countertop, so some of the metallic sheen goes away. You could try using warm water to remove the Future - rub gently, or you’ll abrade the silver paint and it will indeed get dull.
Good luck!
If you apply Future over a NMF aluminum paint you will lose the metallic look and get an unrealistic gloss. If the metallic paint is applied properly you shouldn’t need Future top coat for decals anyway. I doubt that you can remove Future without damaging the metal paint or destroying any decals applied. Plain water won’t work but mix in some ammonia and it might. You can safely respray the silver over Future and that might be the better of the bad options.