SiG 33 Towed Gun Diorama: "Someone else's home"

Here is diorama I did for the Towed Gun Group Build.

It has Alan’s SiG 33, Italeri’s House Ruin, and Tamiya’s German Soldiers at rest.

I scratchbuilt a lot of the rest, eggs included. [:p]

All comments or questions appreciated. I’d love any tips, as I have many other dioramas in the works. Well, three, anyway.[:I]

Great work, Matt. I can smell the eggs and the ham!

Great composition and all.

Great job!!! how did you do the sandbags?

Very, Very nice I love it!!!

Hey Matt, send me the pictures by e-mail and I’ll add them to the Towed Gun website.

They are not showing up on my PC, probably because they are free-webhosted.

Here’s the e-mail:

Very good diorama, I love the scenario.


I gently carved them off the sprue of Tamiya’s sand bag set. They look okay from the top, but they loose a bit under close inspection. I had a heap in the spares box and was a bit lazy I am afraid.

Larry I will send them soon!

Hello, Matt.
The pictures look great.
Nice work.



What a neat dio. I really like it as it has a realistic look to it. Thanks for sharing.


Nicely done, Matt.