This is the Promodeler B-25H…buil it a while ago, got a little dusty…[:D]
Here’s a few more from RM:
F-80 Shooting Star
F/A-18 Hornet
RF101B Voodoo
Grumman F9F Panther
MiG-29 Fulcrum
Another shot of the Panther
Voodoo again
and again
Found this one in a forgotten photo album when I was cleaning out a closet a few weeks back.
1/48 SBD Dauntless. Probably build this when I was, oh, 9 or maybe 10. Suffice to say I’ve come a ways since then…
I’ve built a fair number in my “early period” that have since moved on to the great plastic boneyard in the sky. I am however working on a P-38 right now & will add that when complete.
WOW! Nice builds everyone! [:D[
I saw the thread and was expecting to see a photo bomb of Hans’ builds
I’ve got a few pics
Long live revellogram!
Okay, I’ll join in. Remember, you asked for it. Three years worth. Chris
EDIT Photo server crashed and I lot all of these pics.
I [ht] Revellogram!!!
Some really nice work showing up!!! keep it coming!
1/48 Ju-87D
Folks all your work looks great[:D[
OK, here we have for the Revell and Monogram nuts (me the nuttiest) several pics for your enjoyment:
1:48 SBD
1:48 MKII Spitfire (original Revell mold)
1:48 P-40B
1:48 UH1-C (oops-I know- rotary but still Monogram!)
1:48 F-14A built 20 years ago
1:48 F4U-4 of VMF-214 circa 1951 while stationed aboard U.S.S. Sicily
1:72 SR-71
Hope you enjoy!
1/72 Revell of USA kit,sorry for the Hasegawa bombs, but, this kit was built before the YF-16 and F-15 kits were released
I had 5 of these done and on display at one time, but this was the only one that survived the move to TN
7 more to build someday, though,they’re fun
ooopss, that was supposed to say “sorry for the old Hasegawa A-6 bombs”,lest anyone think “Has Weapons sets”
How about a 1/48 F-16A? parapack mod from Missing Link Models
Or an AV-8B
Wasn`t it supposed to be 1 picture per post?
One picture or one model?
Any way here’s mine P-61 Black Widow.
I’ve got the B-29 Hanging from the ceiling, oddly, I don’'t have any pics of her. I’ll have to correct that oversight.
I like everyone’s build, makes me want to open up another kit.
Lot’s of great looking models in this thread! [:D[
See, Monogram/Revell can be made to work; it just takes a lot more work sometimes. [:)] And, as someone has already mentioned, it makes you a better model-builder.
Revell 1/32 Corsair:
Revell “Deals Wheels” Messaschnitzel
Revell PBM5 Mariner 1/144(?)
Revell 1/48 SNJ
Wow, lots of great work here! I don’t think mine come close to all of yours. But here are ones I’ve built, since coming back to scale modeling…
First, the P-40N in 1/72 (2008):
then, the TBF in 1/48 (2009):
some practice in detailing:
I have 2 more of these, though, and I’m hoping to get better with each one (and yes, I have the AM TBF in the stash, too).
Finished in 2010, the P-47D razorback, done up as Lt. Frank Klibbe’s “Little Chief” (decals by EagleCal, though):
“Little Chief” wrinkled a little [:(] :
and also finished in 2010, the F6F:
I built this for our Monogram Aircraft Fellowship Build at Agape Modeling. I wanted to practice scratchbuilding, and added a cockpit, which can’t really be seen [:D] :
More Monograms in the pipeline:
The P-51B in 1/48:
this will be Major Howard’s “Ding Hao!” but with decals from Mike Grant; this was a bagged kit, with no decals or instruction sheet;
the P-47D bubbletop, no subject chosen yet, but it will be NMF:
the TBD and an SBD (please forgive the focus, these are some of my earliest digital pics):
I also have a pair of P-36’s in 1/72 in the painting stage, with decals from Starfighter.
And for the Agape Automotive Fellowship Build, it’s Tom Daniel’s Red Baron:
That one is awaiting stripping the chrome.
Those are just in progress. I’d say that 80%, at least, of my stash, consists of Monogram kits, whether old boxings, or newer ones. I just really like building their kits.
Thanks for looking, best regards,
WOW everyone has shown some incredible builds. Thanks to everyone who posted…inspirational for some of my long term stash projects.