Sherman Under Glass Pics

How many of you have ever considered giving a built model as a gift? A close friend and co-worker of mine once was associated with the local reserve unit during the 50’s. They used the M4A2 E8 Sherman as their mainstay and I decided to build one for him for his birthday.

The kit started life as DML’s M4A3 E8. The rear of both the upper and lower hulls were modified to the M4A2 configuration. The engine grill was replaced with parts from the Italeri Marine Corps Sherman and parts from the spares box were used to construct the exhaust system. The dust cover on the mantlet was made out of tissue paper soaked in a 50 / 50 mix of white glue and water. The decals are home built using the computer to produce the graphics and then having them printed at a local copier place onto decal paper. The model was built without any storage due to the fact that these were weekend warriors, they never got very far from home. Final weathering and I kept it fairly light too was achieved with a light drybrushing of steel and pastel chalks to dust it up a bit.

The final product represents an M4A2 E8 of the King’s Own Calgary Regiment (K.O.C.R.) in the mid 1950’s.

The first pic shows the final presentation with the Sherman completely encased.

Hope you all enjoy … all comments graciously recieved.

Nicely done shermanfreak! I’m sure your friend really appreciated that gift! I built a 1/24 Peterbuilt wrecker for a friend who repairs heavy equipment and he loved it. I think he thanked me everytime he saw me for a year.


Very nice job shermanfreak. I know I would be proud to display that piece (and it’s not even German)

Well Done!

Any chance of reposting the pictures or providing a link to them? They aren’t visible in your post.

You have outdone yourself again… Awesome job Rob. Your friend will be very happy.

Now that you got that Sherman out of your blood, where is the Tiger 1 Mid Pro your always talking about? I expect those finished pics up on this site no later then mid August!! No move out and break out that Dunkelgelb[;)]



Excellent work… on everything including the photography. fourth shot down is a great shot… really shows off the sherman. Keep up the good work.

Ditto everyone else’s comments. XCELLENT.

P.S. Is this a precursor to the Sherman coffee table[:D][8D]

Thank you all for your kind comments.

Kaleu - Sorry, it must be something on your end or just a case of bad timing because they seem to be up and showing.

Moses - I went looking for that kit today but then I remembered, I traded it and another 1/2 dozen German armour kits to get an Italeri Sherman, boy did I come out ahead on that deal … LOL.

Derek - still trying to get the coffee table idea past the wife, maybe I should just try building a couple of nice book ends first.

be sure to use shermans for the bookends, a tiger would break as soon as you placed it against something, LOL, (sorry moses)

Very nice display!!


Superb work, once again, Robert! Keep them coming! Always a treat.

[B)] Thanks Abrams, now that hurt!!

Rob it took a half dozen german kits to buy an Italeri kit? what was that Italeri kit made of? Gold ? [:D]

As always very nice work, and very thoughtful I might add. What did you use as the base? It looks like a slab of sand stone.

Thank guys for the kind comments.

Abrams - I will be careful not to use a Tiger for the bookends unless it’s to hold up a very thin print. I’m not to sure if they could even hold up an instruction sheet.

Moses - don’t be silly … gold … it just the value of an Italeri Sherman or as a matter of fact any Sherman kit compared to Tigers.

Richard - close … it’s a piece of the Rocky Mountains … local homegrown slate.

Hey Moses, I think it’s time for the link my friend…

Although, I must admit that, I do have a Tamiya Sherman in my collection, yet to be built [:I]

War stories … gotta luv em … here’s one complete wtih the pics as seen below.

British Firefly crew observed advancing Tigers and opened fire at when Tigers were some 800m away. According to original War Diary of “A” Squadron, at 12:20, 3 Tigers were moving towards the Squadron and were destroyed at 12:40, 12:47 and 12:52 without any losses. After the first Tiger was destroyed at 12:40, second one returned fire but was hit and blew up in a loud explosion. Following that, third Tiger was knocked out after receiving two hits. Wittmann’s Tiger was destroyed as second at 12:47 by British Sherman VC “Firefly” commanded by Sergeant Gordon (gunner - Trooper Joe Ekins) from 3rd Platoon, “A” Squadron, 33rd Armored Brigade of 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry. British Sherman VC “Firefly” armed with 17 pounder gun was capable of penetrating Tiger’s armor at range of 800m. The force of explosion blew off the turret, which landed upside down away from the hull.

Funny Robert,

That Sherman looks nothing like the one in Moses’ sig. I don’t think you’ve finished it yet.
It does look rather handsome though as it is.
Very smartly done. That’s some friend and some gift…


Well all … mission accomplished.

Just returned from supper at a local restaurant where the gift was presented to Gerry. Stunned would be a good way to describe the reactions from both him and his wife. He sat and chattered about what they used to do and how they used to do it during those days gone by. On the way out we ran into an old friend of his and out comes the tank and the chatter started again. But that was not the end of it, soon we had a small gathering of people looking and commenting when in walks another gentleman of the ripe old age of 88 years young. As it turns out he was a veteran who served with the Calgary Tanks Regiment (K.O.C.R.) during W.W.II and after, soon the stories were flying left and right. What a great way to bring the evening to a close.

the power of a gift
well done

You never cease to amaze me, Robert. Just an outstanding job all around.

Just goes to show us that the gratitude shown from a small gift more than covers the pain involved in making it. I also think that the coffee table idea has merit, if only with a Tamiya 1/16 static kit. Any takers?

Keep up the good work, and I’m glad I don’t have to compete with Robert’s excellence.
