This is a Sherman that I have been working on as a painting excercise. It was built entirley from the parts box. Let me know what you think…comments and criticisms are welcome…
Thanks Ya’ll
PS how does one go about posting an image here. I saw the icon above, but it isn’t all that helpful…are their directions anywhere?
Check out the Discussions forum/Regarding Images in Posts by DVOSS for information on posting your pictures. Your sherman looks great…what scale is it?
Regards, Dan
Yes the tracks are still on the too do list. They have only been rusted up so far. I painted them flat black then polished them with Iron Oxide pottery glaze (which is basically rust) It gives an great steel color. Then I added a real rust wash by letting a steel wool pad rust up outside then making a wash from the resulting powder.
The bare spots and chips on the hull are done with a broken toothpick and testors rubber paint.
Thought I would add a run down on the scrap kits used. Italeri hull and suspension M4A1, Turret from the Italeri Sherman Calliope
kit, Tamiya tracks, Some Academy Wheels, Tamiya-DML-Academy hull details. Plus a little scratchbuilding. for the armour plates and fender brackets.
Lots of fun to build. I wanted something OD to paint to practice before I painted my Dragon Wagon. I learned a great deal on this otherwise free kit.
Very nice - as you said above, just dirty up the tracks a little and it’s done. I’ll post some shots of the 1/16 scale Tamiya King Tiger I’m making for a guy as soon as I finish it. It’s quite a kit. Hope it looks as good as your Sherman…
Cheers, Tree