Seahawk Blackhawks

Hey all,

Bob (MBT 70) asked me to post this pic of the NFC Championship game. Those birds are the same ones that I flew in this summer, and I believe (back me up here Pharoah) that they are the ones that Unknownpharoah crews. Enjoy!

Great shot! We don’t see enough pix like this from Black Hawks while in flight.

If I squint hard enough, I can see myself in 337, row CC seat 1… [:)]

Holy smokes! You are correct! Those are the birds of the 66Avn. You were on that mission?


Nah, wasn’t on that mission. MBT70 is the PAO for Ft. Lewis, and he’s the one who asked me to post this shot. I flew with them this past summer (July 12th if I remember correctly). Flew in Triple Nickel. She’ll forever have a place in my heart as the first helo I flew in Nap of the Earth. WOW! Sitting on the right side door, -60 in my lap, lookin out… had a grin plastered to my face for the next week after that!

Love that bird. I was going to say if you were on that flight you must have “known” somebody that could help you out. Glad you had fun!

I am not sure but I think those helicopters are from 4th Squadron, 6th Cavalry Regiment.

This coming spring my ROTC program is doing a FTX up to Knox. The best part is we’ll be flying in some crashhawks as part of a mission just to go there. If I decide to go I’ll be sure and take some pics like these.


Go for it. It is an amazing ride! What year are you and what are you lookin to branch?


Right rear seat is known as the hurricane seat for a good reason. Have some kind of goggles just in case. People either love or hate the ride in that seat.


Jon, I am in MS 1 since this is my first semester. I could have just waited to go into MS 3 during my junior year but I wanted to get into the program as soon as possible. I was going to go Aviation but Im probably just going to stay in Armor as a Scout Platoon Leader.

Mac, my goggles from Iraq still work so you can bet that Im gonna wear them. Thanks for the tip!

Sweet! We had two OIF guys come into my battalion my MSIV year. Learned a LOT from them. You’re in a great position there, teach those kids well! If you’ve got any Aviation questions, lemme know, I haven’t been doing this long, but I can give you an idea what AVOBC is like if you’re still considering it.

I know this is still off topic so sorry for deviating away.

I have always wanted to be a helo pilot jon, but theres two key factors thats keeping me from considering seriously. My eyesight and my height. Im 6’4" and my eyes arent of pilot quality. Other than that hell yeah I would loooovvvee to do some RTT’s lol.

Confession, still miss flying myself, maybe someday I’ll get a chance to again

I think once you fly you will always miss it. I recently moved from aviation to a stryker equipped unit. Anytime I hear the sound I look to the sky and smile. I’m still trying to decide which I liked to fly in the most… Blackhawks… or Chinooks… hmmm?? Dunno. The good news… we will soon be getting our MEV’s! I can’t wait. I will have to sneak some pics for you all to look at!

Will look forward to your photo’s, prefer to fly in Huey’s myself, but alas not many left in AZ except USMC birds, of course wouldn’t turn down a ride in any helo

If you look reeeeeeeal close, there are some people standing in that North endzone right underneath the uprights. That’s me, Blue Thunder bass drum #5, with my mouth wide open…

Speaking of hueys John you would be suprised how many are still in use for medevac purposes. I think our Medevac Unit has 2 black hawks and 6 Hueys. I was talking with one of the CC’s and he told me most of the airframes are from the early to mid 60’s and have just been slowly updated over the years. Here is a pic of one of our Uh-1’s. I must say… the sound of the Huey is awsome.

Always will be too me too, our Guard units down here fly Apaches and Blackhawks, we have no medivac units in state except for a AF reserve unit in Tucson. One person in Phoenix bought one from the boneyard and restored it and I do see it flying once in awhile(he was a Huey pilot in Vietnam) I’m glad some are still around though

Those Hawks are 66th Avn of the Wash. Guard and were requested and funded by the Seattle Recruiting Battalion.