Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.D (dragon)

I am sure this topic has been discussed many times over but here goes This kit comes with two types of indie track links[:(!]and I was wondering how many track blocks per side are used.[?] I’ve noticed that Dragon does not tell you how many blocks to use per side and I was wondering how you figure that out. I have several kits waiting for track assy. BTW can you get rubber band tracks for this APC or Dragons other AFVs? Thanks All

I never count them. Here is how I do it.

I hope that helps and good luck.

Durn, wish I’d read your post before I started work on MY Dragon SdKfz 251 Ausf D 3-in-1’s tracks. Next time fer sure! But I think I’ll be able to correct my somewhat horrifying mistakes …If not, I’ll change my diorama idea into one in which the SPW is getting its tracks changed out …

BTW, to answer bilbick’s original question, one side of te SdKfz 251 had 56 track shoes, the other, 55, due to a four-inch offset. But like Matthew said, the number doesn’t mater, at least not with his technique!

I’m glad it helped.[:)]

Ive never built individual track links before and Im thankful for your detailed instructions. Great contribution!